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01178 Regulations Governing Motor Vehicle Use And Campus Parking Facilities


    All members of the college community (faculty, staff and students) who drive cars or other motor vehicles on campus must register their vehicles within seven (7) days after classes begin. A parking sticker will be issued and must be properly displayed on the driver's side of the rear bumper, or the driver's side rear passenger window. If you bring a new or borrowed vehicle on campus, notify the University Police Department (716-673-3333) immediately in order to avoid unnecessary ticketing. Any vehicle obtained during the semester must be registered within 48 hours. Vehicle registration can now be completed on-line with the following link.

  2. Once your vehicle is registered, it can no longer be used as a visiting vehicle even if someone not connected with the college is driving it.

    Location for Display of Parking Stickers

    Stickers shall be placed on the driver's side rear passenger window or the driver's side of the rear bumper. If your vehicle has tinted windows, be sure to affix the sticker to the outside of the driver's side rear passenger window or the driver's side of the rear bumper.

    Motorcycle Stickers

    Stickers for motorcycles shall be placed on the front fork.

    Failure to Register Motor Vehicle

    Failure to register a motor vehicle or to properly display your sticker constitutes a violation of the college regulations. A fine of $25.00 for one violation and an additional $10.00 for each subsequent violation PER TICKET will be imposed.* A vehicle that is not registered and upon checking belongs to a student or parent of a student will be considered college connected and subject to ticket or tow. If your parents/family will be parking on campus, you must notify the University Police Department. Notification after the fact is not valid. This also applies to spouses of faculty and staff and all vehicles owned by faculty and staff.

    Continuing Violations

    Any violation of the campus registration or parking regulations beyond a 24-hour period shall constitute an additional violation for each 24 hours thereafter.

    * $35.00 maximum per ticket.


    Speed Limit

    No person shall drive a vehicle on campus streets, roads, or highways at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regard for the actual and potential hazards then existing. In no event shall a person drive a vehicle in excess of 30 miles per hour unless a different speed is authorized and indicated by the college or the NYS Department of Transportation.

    No Parking on Roadways, Traffic Aisles, Fire Lanes, Fire Hydrants, Sidewalks and Emergency Zones

    No person shall park a vehicle on the premises of the college in such a manner as to interfere with the use of a fire hydrant, fire lane (roadway or traffic aisle), or other emergency zone, or create any other hazard or unreasonably interfere with the free and proper use of a roadway, traffic aisle, or pedestrian way. Loading areas and reserved spaces are emergency zones. Any vehicle illegally parked in the areas designated is subject to towing at the owner's expense.

    Applicable Laws and Orders

    The Vehicle and Traffic Law and orders of the Department of Transportation shall govern vehicular and pedestrian traffic and parking upon the streets, roads, emergency zones and sidewalks of the State University of New York at Fredonia.

    Violations and Fines

    Tickets requiring appearance before the local magistrate of the Village of Fredonia will be issued for violations of the Vehicles and Traffic Law and orders of the Department of Transportation. Fines are as prescribed by the law.


    Campus Parking Lot Map


    For the purpose of these regulations, a parking area is defined as a surface with painted lines delineating the space for each motor vehicle and the service aisles leading to the spaces.

    Time Limits for Parking

    Open parking is in effect in all parking lots except between 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. on Monday through Friday throughout the Fall and Spring semesters. On these five (5) days, overnight (1 a.m. to 7 a.m.) parking is permitted ONLY in:

    1. Ring Road lots No. 9 A, B,Cand D off Brigham Road
    2. Nixon-Chautauqua lot No. 19A

    The University Commons section of lot No. 19A is restricted 7 days a week for overnight parking to residents of the University Commons dorm having the required permit. Residents needing the required permit should contact the Residence Hall Director.

    Snow removal regulations will be in effect from the Saturday after Thanksgiving until April 1st (unless modified). These snow regulations restrict overnight parking (1 a.m. to 7 a.m.) seven nights a week to the lots and areas with signs designating 24 hour parking.

    Visitor Parking

    Vistors on campus may park in designated visitor parking spots. Students and employees may not use visitor parking spots. Overnight visitors on campus are required to report to the University Police Department (open 24 hours) and are permitted to park in Ring Road Lots 9 A, B and C. Any questions regarding visitor parking should be directed to the University Police Department, Gregory Hall. Phone 716-673-3333. The office is open 24 hours.


    Once a vehicle is registered, it can no longer be used as a visiting vehicle, even if someone not connected with the college is driving it. Any license plate traced to the same last name or address as a student will be presumed to have been driven by that student and subject to the same rules and regulations as all student vehicles. If a relative will be parking on campus, notify the University Police Department before ticketing or towing. Notification after the fact is not valid.


    Definition -- Violations of the campus regulations governing parking areas shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

    1. Unauthorized parking in spaces reserved for designated persons (day or night).
    2. Parking across lines delineating parking spaces.
    3. Double parking.
    4. Failure to register a motor vehicle.
    5. Parking in traffic aisles.
    6. Improperly displayed sticker.

    Any vehicle parked in violation of these regulations may be moved or towed away at the owner's expense. VIOLATIONS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERSON TO WHOM THE STICKER IS ISSUED. Fines are assessed in the amount of $25.00 for the first violation and $10.00 for each subsequent violation per ticket.* 

    Payment can be made online at the link below, in person, or by mail to the Student Accounts Office, Third Floor, Maytum Hall Room 306.  When paying online, please allow 48 hours from ticket issuance for the information to be displayed online for payment.

    * $35.00 maximum per ticket.

    Issuance of Tickets

    1. The ticket must be subscribed by the officer writing the violation and shall be served upon the violator or attached to the vehicle involved.
    2. The ticket shall indicate the amount of the fine assessable for the violation, and advise that if the person charged does not dispute the violation, fines may be paid at the Office of Student Accounts.
    3. The ticket shall recite that a hearing may be requested within seven days after service of the charges by going to
    4. The ticket shall recite that should the alleged violator fail to appear at the time fixed for the hearing or should no hearing be requested within the period as prescribed by the College Council in subparagraph (3) above, the complaint is proved and shall warrant such action as may then be appropriate.

    Tow Policy

    Upon finding that five(5) or more campus parking violations have been incurred during an academic year, even if paid, the University Police Department will place the offending individual on the tow list, which will automatically subject your vehicle to towing upon issuance of any additional tickets and will direct that the vehicle be towed at the owner's expense.

    Failure to Pay Fines

    Employees of the college: The dollar value of all unpaid fines shall be deducted from the salary or wages of an offending officer or employee of the college.

    Students of the college: Transcripts and diplomas will be withheld and the student will be denied the opportunity to register for further course work until all fines are paid in full.

    Revocation of Campus Motor Vehicle Registration and Parking Privileges

    Upon finding that ten (10) or more campus parking violations have been incurred during an academic year, even if paid, the University Police Department may revoke the campus motor vehicle registration and parking privileges of the offending individual and may direct that the vehicle be towed at the owner's expense if the revocation is violated.


    A Parking Appeals Official has been designated by the college to serve as an objective adjudicator in reviewing all notices of appeal. The officer will, on a timely basis, review all appeals concerning violations of the parking regulations that are filed within seven (7) days of the violation. Appeals requested after the seven (7) day period will not be reviewed, the violation is proved and the fine shall stand. Violators must submit a written appeal to the Parking Appeals Official for review. The appeal may be submitted via the web at: The Parking Appeals Official will notify the violator, Office of Student Accounts and University Police as to the outcome of the appeal on a timely basis.

    Since this is not a court of law, the officer is not bound by the rules of evidence and may review any testimony or evidence that is directly relevant and material to the violation. All persons filing an appeal are advised to provide supporting documentation to the Parking Appeals Official.


    Exclusion from Open Parking

    Reserved spaces designated in the parking areas are provided on a 24-hour per day basis and are to be used only by the individual or college guests assigned. All other vehicles are subject to towing.

    Assigned Spaces

    The University Police Department shall also be empowered to grant reserved spaces as needed on a 24-hour per day basis, to be used only by the individual or college guest(s) assigned. All other vehicles are subject to towing.

    The following persons shall be provided with reserved parking spaces upon application:

    1. University Police Chief
    2. Physically Handicapped - Handicapped permit required through local police department
    3. Residence Hall Directors
    4. Campus Visitors (7 a.m.-5 p.m.)
    5. College Physician
    6. Faculty/Student Association
    7. Residence Life
    8. Creative Support Services

    Vehicles registered by campus personnel or students may not park in the visitors area. Once a vehicle is registered it can no longer be used as a visiting vehicle. A vehicle that is not registered and upon checking belongs to a student or parent of a student will be considered college connected and subject to ticket or tow. This also applies to spouses of Faculty and Staff and all vehicles owned by Faculty and Staff.

University Police Department

  • Gregory Hall, 2nd Floor State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063