The Office of Student Services offers potential students, current students, and graduates with academic support for the College of Education, Health Sciences, and Human Services. This office strives to provide a user-friendly, all-purpose student response structure that guides Fredonia's New York State Certification candidates along the path to becoming responsive, well-rounded, and marketable educators.
Scholarships coordinated through the Office of Student Services are retention scholarships for students currently enrolled in the College of Education, Health Sciences, and Human Services. Current Education students interested in applying for scholarships should contact edu@fredonia.edu for more information.
All students currently enrolled in a Teacher Education Initial Certification Program including Adolescent Education and Music Education, and who are in good academic standing are eligible to apply.
Adolescent Education and Music Education majors should also consult their discipline departments for discipline-specific awards.
Potential or incoming students should contact Student Affairs for entrance scholarship information.
College of Education, Health Sciences, and Human Services 2023 Scholarship Application
Any Education FACULTY may nominate students for any award by completing this form and emailing it to the Office of Student Services.
- Current and prospective students may seek academic advice about College of Education, Health Sciences, and Human Services undergraduate and graduate programs in the Office of Student Services.
- Applications for change of major to Childhood Education, Childhood Inclusive Education, Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood/Childhood Education are processed in this office.
- The Office of Student Services also serves as a general academic advising center for all education students who need help with their program.
The Coordinator in the Office of Student Services assists all teacher candidates at Fredonia, as well as alumni, with all certification questions. Please use links down below for specific information on the following topics:
- Help with TEACH Online Services
- Applying for Certification
- New York State Teacher Certification Exams (NYSTCE)
- NYS Teacher Certification Fingerprinting - For more details and cost, visit NYSED Fingerprinting.
- Registration and Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) Requirements
- FAQs for Teacher Certification
- Steps to Initial/Professional Certification
- Teaching in Other States
- Teach Assist Forms and Program Codes for TEACH Certification Application
- Graduate and Undergraduate Waiver Form
The Office of Student Services handles verification of requirement completion for the following programs:
Undergraduate Level
- Childhood Education
- Childhood Inclusive Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Early Childhood/Childhood Education
Graduate Level
- Bilingual Education Extension
- Curriculum and Instruction in Inclusive Education
- Language and Learning
- Literacy: Birth-Grade 12
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- Educational Leadership
These 3 questions have links to specific sites that can answer the question.
- I have a question about my Teacher Certification...
- I have a question about my Student Teaching or Field Experience placement...
- Where should I look to find information about teaching in other states?
1. I think I want to change my major to Education. What do I need to know?
The Education Department houses four different undergraduate programs:
Early Childhood Education (Birth - Grade 2)
Childhood Education (Grades 1 - 6)
Childhood Inclusive Education (Grades 1 - 6 and Students with Disabilities Grades 1 - 6)
Early Childhood/Childhood Education (Birth - Grade 2 and Grades 1 - 6)
All Adolescence Education (Grades 7 - 12) programs are housed within the specific academic department.
The Education Department has two programs which lead to dual certification.
The Early Childhood/Childhood Education program leads toward certification in Early Childhood (Birth-Grade 2) and Childhood (Grade 1-Grade 6).
The Childhood Inclusive Education program leads toward certification in Childhood (Grades 1-6) and Students with Disabilities (Special Education; Grades 1-6).
The Education Department offers concentrations in English, Mathematics, Music, Natural Science, Social Sciences and World Languages. All education majors are required to have a concentration.
The Education Department offers a Middle School Extension (Grades 7 - 9) in English, French, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Spanish for Childhood Education and Childhood Inclusive Education majors.
The process of becoming an Early Childhood, Childhood, Early Childhood/Childhood or Childhood Inclusive Education major does not happen instantaneously. There is a three-step process that you must pursue as a candidate for admission to The Education Department
Students are not permitted to change their major to Early Childhood, Childhood, Early Childhood/Childhood or Childhood Inclusive Education during the first semester of enrollment at Fredonia. A full semester of grades is required for consideration.
Applicants are required to have an overall Fredonia grade point average of at least 3.0 if 24 or more credit hours have been earned. A Fredonia grade point average of at least 2.75 is required if 23 or fewer credit hours have been earned.
Applicants who apply and meet the GPA requirements will be accepted into the Education Department may explore the education major of their choice through designated initial courses and field work. At the end of their first full year in education, students will need to apply to the Education Department and be formally admitted as a candidate of that program. The core program, including student teaching, will be restricted to teacher candidates only. Please click here or further information.
Depending on academic history, students that decide to change their major will need to reevaluate their graduation date.
2. How do I change my major to Education?
Applicants are required to have an overall Fredonia grade point average of at least 3.0 if 24 or more credit hours have been earned. A Fredonia grade point average of at least 2.75 is required if 23 or fewer credit hours have been earned.
If you meet the requirements to apply for a change of major in the Education Department, you must schedule an initial screening interview with the Coordinator of The Office of Student Services in the Education Department to discuss your interests in the field of Education and evaluate your qualifications.
Please contact:
Diane Sercu, Coordinator
Office of Student Services
College of Education, Health Sciences, and Human Services
E262/264 Thompson Hall
T- 716-673-4768
E- diane.sercu@fredonia.edu (preferred method)
The information that is collected in the initial screening interview will be submitted in the form of a recommendation to the Chairperson of the Education Department for evaluation and decision after review of the final grades from the current semester.
The decision to accept a candidate into the Education Department is based on several criteria, including academic record, interest in the field, and availability of the field placements. Candidates will be notified via postal mail of the status of their application after review of the final grades from the current semester. Please note that the process is not instantaneous.
Final determination for acceptance will not be effective until the following semester.
Please come to your initial screening interview prepared with:
- An unofficial copy of your academic transcript
- Change of Major Declaration form signed by your present department chair
- The determination of your major (Early Childhood, Childhood, Childhood Inclusive, Early Childhood/Childhood)
- Decision regarding concentration area
All screening interviews will be held in E262/264 Thompson Hall and will last approximately 30 minutes.
3. I already have a Degree...
I already have a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in an area other than Education, how can I get certified to teach through Fredonia?
Interested candidates that wish to obtain Initial New York State Teacher Certification through Fredonia are required to pursue the appropriate Bachelor’s Degree that leads to Initial Teacher Certification, a MSEd in TESOL, or complete the MAT Science degree.
One track of the MSEd TESOL program leads to Initial Teacher Certification for any interested candidates.
I already have a degree from Fredonia, and I want to pursue another Bachelor’s Degree (that leads to Initial Teacher Certification in the State of New York). What do I do?
Fredonia graduates seeking an additional Bachelor’s Degree must take a minimum of 30 semester hours at the university and must successfully complete the requirements of their additional major or program. Contact the Office of Admissions (716-673-3251) for more information.
I already have a Bachelor’s Degree from another College/University, and I want to pursue another Bachelor’s Degree (that leads to Initial Teacher Certification in the State of New York). What do I do?
New students seeking an additional Bachelor’s Degree must take a minimum of 45 semester hours at Fredonia and must successfully complete their additional major or program. Contact the Office of Admissions (Maytum Hall, 6th floor, 716-673-3251) for more information.
What if I withdrew from Fredonia and I want to come back?
Please refer to Readmission and Reinstatement in the academic policy section of the College Catalog.
4. I plan to pursue an additional Teacher Certification through BOCES, and I need to take some Education classes. What is the process at Fredonia?
For more information about obtaining Teacher Certification through BOCES, please contact your local BOCES Regional Teacher Certification Officer.
For information on how to register for graduate level education courses, please contact the Office of Graduate Studies.
The Office of Extended Learning (2142 Fenton Hall, 716-673-3177) offers educational opportunities to working adults and non-traditional students who wish to pursue undergraduate courses on a part-time basis. Space in Education courses is reserved for full-time students who are enrolled in one of our Teacher Certification programs. Therefore, space is limited!