String Experience with special guests: The Shanghai Quartet
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Early bird discounted fee: $35 (must register by September 17)
After September 17: $45
Join the Fredonia School of Music and special guests, The Shanghai Quartet, for a full day of master classes, clinics and performances designed specifically for high school string players. The day includes master classes (by instrument) with Fredonia faculty, a chamber ensemble master class with The Shanghai Quartet, and workshops that include such topics as: Jazz, Fiddling, Bach, Musician Health & Fitness, Overcoming Performance Nerves, and How to Prepare for College Auditions.
Lunch, dinner and a ticket to The Shanghai Quartet's Saturday evening performance in Rosch Recital Hall are included in the student registration fee, guaranteed when registered before September 28.
This year, there will be a special session for music teachers with Roberta Guaspari-Tzavaras, Fredonia alumnus and Founder of Opus 118: Harlem School of Music. "Round Table Discussion: Opportunities in Music Education" will be offered from 1:00-1:45pm; free, but registration is required. Please email Jennifer at if you will attend this event.
For full Shanghai Quartet residency details, visit:

Lunch, dinner and a ticket to The Shanghai Quartet's Saturday evening performance in Rosch Recital Hall are included in the student registration fee, guaranteed when registered before September 28.
This year, there will be a special session for music teachers with Roberta Guaspari-Tzavaras, Fredonia alumnus and Founder of Opus 118: Harlem School of Music. "Round Table Discussion: Opportunities in Music Education" will be offered from 1:00-1:45pm; free, but registration is required. Please email Jennifer at if you will attend this event.
For full Shanghai Quartet residency details, visit:

String faculty left to right: David Rose (viola); Maureen Yuen (violin), Kieran Hanlon (double bass),
Brett Shurtliffe (double bass), Natasha Farny (cello) and David Colwell (violin).