Some tips about sharing your story. Think about...
- The basics: include who, what where, when, why and how. Submissions with incomplete information will not be considered. We need to be given complete information about your story. If the staff has questions about your submission, we will reach out.
- Uniqueness: What is the fresh twist to your story? Is it something that hasn’t been done before?
- Campus in action: We especially value stories about the teaching and learning happening at Fredonia that have a direct impact on the community. If your program or project enhances quality of life or the world in tangible ways, we want to know about it!
- Awards in action: while faculty grants and awards are great accomplishments, stories that focus on the work going on because of a grant or award can gain a wider audience.
- Significant awards and accomplishments, meanwhile, are ALWAYS good material for news releases.
- Three weeks of lead time are required for deadline-driven content to appear in Campus Report.
- Three weeks of lead time are required for timely Campus Report content.
Now that you know what to do...