Students seeking information about the program or courses in the program should visit the Fredonia Foundations page. The infographics available on that page can be useful for both students and advisors to ensure that all of the General Education requirements are being completed.
- Login: (Same username/password as your Fredonia email)
- Written Directions
- Video Directions
- Advising Guidelines for FF17 to FF23 Transition
- Advising Checklist for FF17 and FF23 (Google Sheet)*
- Advising Checklist for FF17 and FF23 (printable .pdf)
- Advising Checklist for FF23 only (Google Sheet)*
* Clicking on this form will prompt you to make a copy of the original template.
Transition from Fredonia Foundations '17 to Fredonia Foundations '23
- Gen Ed Transition Resources - Handy Dandy Links
- FF Category Change Modification*
- FF Theme Change Addendum*
- Updated Information Literacy Info Page
Revisions to Courses already in FF'23
* Clicking on these forms will prompt you to make a copy of the original template.
- FF Logo for Syllabi
- Syllabus Guidelines
- Form to Cross-List an FF Course
- Arts C&I*
- Arts CTR*
- Arts GP*
- Humanities C&I*
- Humanities CTR*
- Humanities GP*
- Mathematics Quantitative Reasoning IL CTR*
- Natural Sciences (and Scientific Reasoning) C&I*
- Natural Sciences (and Scientific Reasoning) CTR*
- Natural Sciences (and Scientific Reasoning) GP*
- Oral Communication IL*
- Social Science C&I*
- Social Sciences CTR*
- Social Science GP*
- US History and Civic Engagement C&I*
- US History and Civic Engagement CTR*
- US History and Civic Engagement GP*
- World History and Global Awareness C&I*
- World History and Global Awareness CTR*
- World History and Global Awareness GP*
- World Languages C&I*
- World Languages CTR*
- World Languages GP*
- Written Communication IL*
* Clicking on these forms will make a new form.
These forms should be filled out by students in consultation with their advisor:
- General Education Waiver/Substitution/Equivalency form*
- Foreign Language Waiver*
- Best Practices for Faculty and Administrators Considering a Gen Ed Waiver
- Additional Waiver Tips
* Clicking on these forms will make a new form.