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Welcome to the Contingent Faculty website!

Dear Contingent Faculty Members,

ConFAC Committee and University Senators welcome and thank you for visiting. Take advantage of the information provided in each tab. Feel free to email or any listed representative with questions or concerns you may have. We need your participation in order to best represent all part-time and full-time contingents! Please also consider contacting any representative listed below to find out how you can become involved. Stay tuned for emailed monthly newsletters regarding timely contingent faculty affairs and (Zoom) meeting invitations.

  • Resources provides SUNY Fredonia websites, documents, contact information, and award opportunities.
  • Advocacy provides literature from around the nation that advocates for contingent/adjunct needs.
  • UUP provides literature from your union, United University Professions, that advocates for all of its constituents, including contingents/adjuncts.
  • Data provides the current semester's meeting schedule, congratulations to fellow contingents, and a way to obtain previously emailed monthly newsletters.

ConFAC Committee:

  • Andrew Martin SmithChair & Webmaster
  • Anne FearmanSecretary
  • Kim Weborg-BensonSenate Liaison
  • Rodney Garrison
  • Heather Mcentarfer (2020–present), Tenured Faculty Seat
  • Brian Boisvert (2018–2020), Tenured Faculty Seat

Contingent Faculty Senators:

*There are two (2) open seats for Contingent Faculty in the University Senate. Notify if interested in serving.

Contingent Faculty

  • 3154 Mason Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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