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Download the 2023 Sexual Violence Prevalence (SVP) Campus Climate Survey Report (PDF)

Executive Summary

On March 20, 2023, our campus began an online administration of the Sexual Violence Prevalence (SVP) Campus Climate Survey. This survey was administered to students and employees and is required to address, at minimum, student and employee knowledge about:

  • The Title IX Coordinator’s role;
  • Campus policies and procedures addressing sexual assault;
  • How and where to report sexual violence as a victim/survivor or witness;
  • The availability of resources on and off campus, such as counseling, health, academic assistance;
  • The prevalence of victimization and perpetration of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking on and off campus during a set time period (for example, the last two years);
  • Bystander attitudes and behavior;
  • Whether victims/survivors reported to the College/University and/or police, and reasons why they did or did not report.
  • The general awareness of the difference, if any, between the institution’s policies and the penal law; and
  • The general awareness of the definition of affirmative consent.

In reviewing the results, we highlight that the survey showed the following:

  • The survey indicated that students are generally aware that the campus has policies and procedures specifically addressing sexual assault. Seventy-two percent of students surveyed indicated that they were aware that Fredonia did have policies and procedures in place to address sexual assault.
  • Furthermore, the survey showed that students were generally aware of the definition of affirmative consent with 85.4% of students answering in the affirmative.
  • In addition, the survey indicated that students are generally aware of who a survivor or witness of sexual assault can go to file a formal complaint.
  • Around half of students said they knew how to report sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic violence and dating violence and stalking.
  • The survey indicated that 90.7% of students were aware that University Police were available to provide support and 89.9% of students were aware of the Counseling Center as a resource. Students were less aware than anticipated of the other relevant campus support services available to them. Only 35.6% of students responded that they knew how to contact the Title IX Coordinator.
  • The survey also indicated that employees are generally aware of the policies and laws, and of the available resources. Ninety-four percent of faculty and staff surveyed were aware of the policies and procedures at SUNY Fredonia specifically addressing sexual assault. In addition, 87.4% of employees stated that they knew the difference between the disciplinary process and the criminal justice system.
  • Of the employees who responded, 89.3% knew of the Title IX Coordinators role on campus.

Findings from the Sexual Violence Campus Climate Survey will help the campus to understand overall themes and areas of need related to prevention and response. The results provide a baseline to be established to support positive change in the future.

If you have any questions about the survey or the results included in this report, please contact the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at 716-673-3358.

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

  • Dr. Vicki T. Sapp, Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer 143 Fenton Hall, State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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