Campaign Results, 2021
Nurturing Innovation: Join the campaign for Fredonia.
Kay Hardesty Logan Green Room dedication
A donation to the Fredonia School of Music
Hearing from Scholarship Recipients: Elizabeth Hahn
Hearing from Scholarship Recipients: Laurel Finson
Hearing from scholarship recipients: Josh Velasco
Hearing from Scholarship Recipients: Kaylei Russell
Hearing from Scholarship Recipients: Chelsea Baron
Carol "Stash" Stanley, '71, hugs Genielle Byczynski, '21, recipient of the LaceLocker Scholarship
Scholarship recipient Allison Mullin, '17, (left) chats with Dianne Kricheldorf, '54, (right) who helped to fund a scholarship that benefits College of Education students.
Scholarship recipient Noah Maciejewski, '18, working in the Fredonia Radio Systems studios in McEwen Hall.
Scholarship recipient Marilia Riva Andrade, '19, in one of Mason Hall's music classrooms.
Scholarship recipient Jason Cheung, '19, in the Student Association office in the Williams Center.
Scholarship recipient Carly Morris, '18, in University Village
Scholarship recipient Trenten Merrill, '19, in the History Reading Room in Thompson Hall
Dr. Diane Pennica, '73, surrounded by family and faculty at the dedication of the Pennica Research Lab in the new Science Center.
Courtney Schmidt, '17, (left) instructing elementary school students.
Keah Brown, '13, poses in the Williams Center during a return trip to campus.
Kelsey Lowery, '17, in one of the Buffalo Zoo's animal exhibits.
Fredonia students who interned during the filming of "Lighthouse Unmanned" pose with an award from the Buffalo Niagara Film Commission.
Thomas Quatroche Jr., Ph.D., '92, stands in front of the Erie County Medical Center, where he serves as President and CEO.
Dr. Mark Anthony Neal, '87, and '93, speaks to a group of students during a return trip to campus.
Shaun Nelms, '99, during an interview at East High School in Rochester, N.Y., where he serves as Superintendent.
Lauren Orlowski, '15, loves her job with the Independent Health Foundation.
Dianne Craig, '85, during an interview at the Pierce Arrow Museum in Buffalo, N.Y.
Junaid Zubairi, professor of Computer and Information Sciences working on his patented flight tracker software.
Whitney Athoe, '17, (left) working in a lab at UPMC Chautauqua WCA in Jamestown, N.Y.
One of the state-of-the-art Panasonic projectors that were purchased from a challenge grant from the Margaret L. Wendt Foundation.
Students working in the Department of Visual Arts and New Media welding/foundry room in the Rockefeller Arts Center studio complex.
FRED to the Power of You.
Animation student Edward Gallivan created this video to show how you can build a lasting legacy at Fredonia.