The Freddy Blue Devil illustrations and details are additional assets for SUNY Fredonia’s visual identity.
To access the illustrations, contact the Design Team at creative.design@fredonia.edu.
They are available to the campus community to use in promotional materials and for student clubs/organizations to use to associate with Fredonia. Examples include:
- Student club activities
- University-sanctioned social events
- School spirit activities
- Tabling events
- Recruiting events
- On apparel and promotional items for university-sanctioned events
- Alumni materials
The Freddy Blue Devil illustrations and details MAY NOT BE:
- used in any fashion to promote any event not sanctioned by SUNY Fredonia
- incorporated into/combined with any other mark, symbol, graphic to create a new mark
- used for official Fredonia communications, such as admissions or hiring letters, contracts, grant proposals and any other formal business purposes without prior written approval from the Trademark and Licensing Committee
- included on official letterhead, envelopes and business cards
- used as a logo or primary identifier for a school, department, or office
- displayed in conjunction with the University Seal
- used to replace Fredonia’s primary logo
- modified in any way, including changing the color, size or format, adding visual effects such as shadowing, 3D treatments, cropping, blurring, distorting, etc., with the following exceptions:
- For officially recognized student clubs/organizations, the illustrations that include a blank oval, square, or rectangle can be utilized to include your club/organization's name and/or logo.
- For officially recognized student clubs/organizations, Freddy Blue Devil may be slightly altered to incorporate the spirit of the club/organization (i.e. adding a prop, changing the color of the cape).
- However, even in this instance, the head and face may not be cropped, blurred, or otherwise altered or distorted.
Any issues or concerns regarding the use of the Freddy Blue Devil illustrations should be brought to the Trademark and Licensing Committee for review.