The Student Payroll Office defines an acceptable TIME SHEET as one that is received directly from the supervisor (either in person, through campus mail or via campus pick-up service) by the deadline date. Timely payment cannot be guaranteed to students whose time sheets are received after this deadline or who have not completed the paperwork requirements. To be paid on the Work Study Payroll, the following requirements must be met:
The Student Payroll Office defines an acceptable TIME SHEET as one that is received directly from the supervisor (either in person, through campus mail or by a student in a SEALED envelope) before 4:30 p.m. on the Thursday after the close of a pay period. Timely payment cannot be guaranteed to students whose time sheets are received after this deadline. To be paid on the Student Assistant Payroll, the following requirements must be met:
- Fully completed I-9 with id forms presented to Payroll Office, CURRENT Appointment Form, W-4 and IT-2104 must be on file in the Student Payroll Office, 303 Maytum.
- Payee must be a registered student at Fredonia.
- Maximum of 20 hours worked per week while school is in session; 40 hours worked per week during vacation periods. (Maximum hours based on a Sunday to Saturday work week.) If a student works as a Student Assistant or Work Study for another department on campus, these are the maximum hours allowed for ALL their time sheets combined.
- A FULLY COMPLETED LEGIBLE TIME SHEET must be RECEIVED by stated deadline. Please be sure to include dates, department, PRINTED LEGAL NAME (no nicknames, please), last 4 digits of the social security number, 8 digit account number to be charged, rate to be paid and signatures of both student and supervisor. Incomplete time sheets may be returned to the department and will delay payment to the student.
Paychecks are mailed directly from Albany to your permanent home address. Direct Deposit is strongly encouraged. Students must notify the Student Payroll Office of a permanent distribution change so that future checks/tax information will reach them in a timely fashion. Notifying the Registrar's Office does NOT generate a change of address for payroll and vice versa.
HANG ON TIGHT to those paychecks and store them in a safe place! If a student paycheck is lost, it must be reported to the Student Payroll Office immediately. Due to the fact that paychecks are processed in Albany, a duplicate check will take 2-4 weeks to arrive.
Should you have any questions in regard to a paycheck or student payroll, please feel free to call the Student Payroll Office at 716-673-3775 or email us at