The Michael C. Rockefeller Arts Center presents:
Commencement-Eve 2023: The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber
With the Western New York Chamber Orchestra, Glen Cortese, Conductor
The Fredonia Chamber Choir, Vernon Huff, Conductor
Student soloists to be announced.
Friday, May 19, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
Harry A. King Concert Hall
AUDTIONS for student vocalists will be held on Wednesday, March 8 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in Mason 1001. An accompanist will be provided. We would like to hear a 32-bar cut from one of the songs in the show. (See below.)
Please sign up for a time slot by putting your name and other information on an available line on this Google spreadsheet. (You must be logged on using your credentials.)
We will be looking for approximately six women and three men. We will be asking you to sing a selection from the show repertoire which can accessed at this link. (Please note: in order to access this site and download any of the files, you will need to be logged onto your computer under your email account.)
Things to bring with you to your audition:
- A completed copy of this audition form.
- A completed copy of our Student Availability Schedule, showing your standing conflicts.
- A up-to-date resume and headshot (recommended, but not 100% required)
Suggested audition cuts:
Don't Cry for Me Argentina: Measures 31 through 69
"I had to let it happen...." through "... and hope you love me."
Oh What a Circus: Measures 29 to 62
Waltz for Che and Eva: Measures 1 through 38 - sing both Male and Female lines
And the Money Kept Rolling In: Measures 1 through 34 (up to the chorus entrance)
Everything's Alright: Measure 1-18 and one repeat (female)
Two measures before Judas entrance through Measure 32 (male)
("Woman your fine ointment... through ..more than your feet and hair"
Heaven On Their Minds: Measures 1 through 26; include the repeat, end at ..than the things you say" on top of page 3.
I Don't Know How to Love Him: Measures 1 through 32 (through "What's it all about?")
I Know I Have a Heart: Measures 1 though 34 (through "...if you don't care?"
Memory: Measures 1 through 33
With One Look: Measures 1 to 36
Music of the Night: start at Rehearsal "A" Measures 67 to 97
All I Ask of You: start at Rehearsal "E" Measures 142 to 174 (through Let me Lead you From Your Solitude. Sing both the male and female parts, an octave up or down as appropriate.)
Please note that for the most part, we have provided piano/vocal sheet music in the same keys as the orchestral arrangements we will be using. The vocal parts for orchestra arrangements we are using will be provided to you upon being cast.
ELIGIBILITY: Auditions are open to all enrolled SUNY Fredonia students. Juniors and Seniors are generally given priority, other things being approximately equal. If you are in a program that requires you to obtain departmental permission to engage in "outside" activities, it is your responsibility to obtain that permission in advance of auditions.
REHEARSALS: When you audition, you will be asked to fill out a detailed "availability schedule" for the month of April and the first three weeks in May. We will do our best to hold soloists (and duet, etc.) piano rehearsals based on your availability. These will most likely be in the early evenings, Monday-Friday, but we may have some rehearsals on Saturdays and Sundays as well. For the week of finals, you should hold your schedule as open as possible, as there will be piano rehearsals early in the week and the rehearsal(s) with the Orchestra near the end of the week.
QUESTIONS? If you have any questions about this project, please email Jefferson Westwood, director of Rockefeller Arts Center. Please put “Pops Concert” in the subject line. His email is