Are you interested in making sure you graduate in four years? So are we!
Fredonia proudly offers its "Fredonia in 4" program, one of the nation's first programs of its kind, launched in 1998. Together, we help you stay on track to make sure you manage your course load, major requirements, and financial commitments.
What is Fredonia promising you?
The university promises to adhere to a commonly understood agreement with all of our students to schedule sufficient class offerings, provide required courses or suitable substitutes as determined by the department, and ensure qualified academic advising.
Furthermore, if a student's graduation is delayed due to our inability to provide the appropriate courses, the university will pay the necessary Fredonia tuition and course-related fees required to complete the degree.
What are your responsibilities as a Fredonia in 4 student?
Arrive with skills needed to handle your major, as determined by your department;
- Declare a major at the time of admission and not change majors or, as a Liberal Arts freshman, declare a major before the end of the freshman year, having successfully completed the preparatory courses for that major;
- Fulfill all academic, grade and course work requirements;
- Meet the credit requirements (120 hours minimum) for the baccalaureate degree sought, including the requirements of the major and the College Core Curriculum;
- Maintain continuous good academic standing (a 2.0 overall GPA) and meet all academic GPA criteria established for the major;
- Meet each semester with an assigned advisor during Advising/Early Registration and agree to a class schedule;
- In writing, report any changes to the agreed-upon schedule to your advisor promptly;
- Pay all fees by the required deadline(s);
- Comply with all required administrative and academic policies and procedures, thereby demonstrating accountability and successful progress toward degree.
Who is eligible?
Does my exploration for a major as a Liberal Arts freshman allow me to become a part of Fredonia in 4?
Yes. Liberal Arts freshmen may qualify for the guarantee and begin to work out a plan for academic study. If at the time of declaration of major, you have successfully completed the preparatory courses for that major and have otherwise adhered to the recommended program plan for that major, you may re-enroll in Fredonia in 4 with your new departmental advisor.
How does a student enroll?
As soon as you receive your advisor assignment (after the third week of the semester), go see him/her to sign up and develop your plan for participation in Fredonia in 4. Do not wait until Advising/Early Registration.
If a requirement is not met (e.g. if I change majors) can I still graduate in four years?
Absolutely. Although the guarantee is no longer in effect, many students still graduate in four years, even if they have changed their majors.
For sound academic reasons -- study abroad, internships, and dual majors, to name only three -- many people choose to stay at Fredonia for more than four years.
If I had a dual major, would both of my majors be four-year guaranteed?
No. The guarantee can only be applied to your first major.
What about a minor?
Most students who declare early can graduate in four years with a major and a minor, a desirable facet of your liberal education.
Is there a penalty for not meeting the requirements for Fredonia in 4?
Absolutely not. Your participation in Fredonia in 4 is entirely up to you.