The faculty in the department of Chemistry & Biochemistry are committed to excellence in teaching in both formal classes, structured labs and research experiences. General Chemistry lectures have enrollments capped at 60 students to provide optimum learning environments for students taking this important gateway course. All lab courses are taught by faculty and have less than 20 students in each section. The upper level enrollments have significantly smaller enrollments makings them more like seminar courses. We strive to have student-centered, active learning classrooms.
The department of Chemistry & Biochemistry is focused solely on educating undergraduate students therefore, our faculty are actively engaged with research students and students have total access to research labs and instrumentation. Every year, at least one group of students travel to regional or national American Chemical Society meetings to present their research.
Faculty and student research are supported by our state-of-the-art instrumentation (see instruments page). Our students do research throughout the academic year and during the summer, either at Fredonia or by participating in programs such as the NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates.
Faculty Research