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Dr. Scott Johnston

Ph.D., University of Nevada

I earned a BA and an MA in English (Adolescence Education) at SUNY Fredonia in the early 1990s. After that, I completed a Ph.D. in Composition and Rhetoric from the University of Nevada. I was hired to be the Director of the Writing Center at the University of Memphis immediately after graduation. Severe budget cuts soon made that job impossible, so I returned to SUNY Fredonia in 1999 to teach in the English department. Since that time, I have focused almost exclusively on Adolescence English Education.

Office Hours

  • Monday: TBA
  • Tuesday: TBA
  • Wednesday: TBA
  • Thursday: TBA
  • Friday: TBA
  • TBA

Teaching Interests

Writing pedagogy at the secondary Level
Reading and literature pedagogy at the primary and secondary level
Beginning and advanced non-fiction writing
Adolescent literature
Writing tutoring theory and practice

Research Interests

Reading process and practice

Dr. Scott Johnston

Dr. Scott Johnston

Associate Professor

263 Fenton Hall
(716) 673-3588
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