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Dr. Lisa Walters

Ph.D., California Coast University

I began my career as an adjunct professor at Fredonia in fall of 2001, teaching human resource management, business communications, organizational behavior, and strategic management. Prior to my full-time appointment at Fredonia in 2013, I served as the Senior Compliance Analyst for the American Red Cross Biomedical Services group, where analyzed and evaluated operational data for executive and governmental reporting, as well as to provide insight into operational quality assessments with regard to the priority of auditing focus. Before that Red Cross appointment, I served as a Senior Quality Auditor with the Red Cross, where I evaluated biomedical operations for compliance and quality. I also served as the Principal Officer of my entrepreneurial consulting company Healthy Solutions Quality Consulting, where my work was centered on accreditation readiness reviews, problem-solving and continual improvement.

I served on the Accreditation Council for A2LA and also served on its Technical Advisory Committee. I have served in a variety of leadership roles with the American Society for Quality (ASQ); through ASQ, I hold Certified Quality Auditor certification. My Bachelor’s of Science degree is in Medical Technology,with a Specialty in Blood Banking, and I also hold an MBA in addition to my PhD.

Office Hours

  • Fall 2024 Semester: Tuesday and Thursday, 9 – 10:30 am Wednesday, 1pm – 3pm
  • Other times by appointment, and may be virtual as requested

Teaching Interests

I am delighted to teach in the fields of Organizational Behavior, Operations Management, Quality Management, Supply Chain Management, and Lean Six Sigma. I blend traditional course work with a high emphasis on problem based learning to provide an experiential component to the content learning; in this way, I hope to meet and exceed the aspect of our mission of creating career-ready graduates.

Research Interests

I enjoy any research that involves improvement in some regard, whether that be the application of quality improvement principles and techniques to achieve business and organizational sustainability,competitiveness, and regulatory compliance, where applicable, or improvement in our teaching processes themselves. A review of my intellectual contributions serves as testimony to this commitment to improvement, no matter the process or system. I am also interested in sustainability as it relates to supply chain management as well as a newly found research interest in human productivity.

Awards and Honors

  • Best in Business Award for Excellence in Faculty Research, Fredonia School of Business (2023).
  • Recognition of Contributions to OPEX and Commitment to World Class Business, The Kennametal Center for OPEX, McKenna SOB, St. Vincent College (2023).
  • Chancellor's Award, Excellence in Teaching, State University of New York (2022).
  • State University of New York Online Teaching Fellow, SUNY (2021).
  • Member of Beta Gamma Sigma, The State University of New York-Fredonia (2019).
  • Honorary Member Delta Mu Delta, The State University of New York-Fredonia (2015).
  • Member Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, Clarion University of Pennsylvania (1984).


  • Scrum Master Certification
  • Certified Quality Auditor
  • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
  • Specialist in Blood Banking
  • Medical Technologist
  • CITI Human Subjects Research Certification
  • Business Analysis and Process Management Certification

Current Research

  • My current research centers on development of a tool to for small and medium sized enterprises to evaluate tier 1 suppliers for sustainability.

Professional Membership

  • ASQ
  • ASCM

Intellectual Contributions

  • "Are Madison and Jacob (Still) More Employable than Aaliyah and Xavier (in Public Accounting Firms)?," Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Vol. 26(3) (2024).
  • "Improving recycling efforts at a university using LSS experiential learning," American Society for Quality, Lean Six Sigma Review (2024).
  • "Ready or not, It Will Come: Preparing Accountancy for the Next Disruption," Journal of Applied Business and Economics (2023).
  • "Reimagining the Introduction to Business Course: Comparison of Two Designs," Business Education Innovation Journal, Elm Street Press (2023).
  • "The Impact of AACSB Accreditation on Freshmen and Transfer Enrollment: A Preliminary Study," National Association of Business, Economics, and Technology (2022).
  • "Re-Envisioning the DMAIC Framework in Project-Based Learning to Enhance Statistical Confidence in Data- Decision Making: A Case Study to Enhance Business Curriculum Research Design," Journal for Quality Perspectives in Knowledge Acquisition (2021).
  • "Sustainability in the Supply Chain: A Proposed Simple Tool," American Society for Quality (2021).
  • "Enhancing Music Industry Curriculum with Digital Technologies. A Case Study," Education Sciences (2021).
  • "ASQ TV: Sustainability Supplier Rating Tool," ASQ (2021).
  • "A Supplier Risk Matrix Approach to ISO 9001:2015 Compliance: A Case Study," The BRC Academy Journal of Business (2020).
  • "Using Data Analytics to Increase The Academic Success Of Business Students," National Association of Business, Economics and Technology Proceedings, 42nd Annual Meeting (2020).
  • "Economic Assessment of the Implementation Measures Of European Water Framework Directive," Journal of Business, Economics, and Technology (2020).
  • "A Readability Analysis Of Undergraduate Textbooks In Operations Management," Journal of Business, Economics, and Technology (2019).
  • "Improving the 1040 process by applying Lean principles: A case study," TQM Journal (2019).
  • "Integrating Open Educational Resources into Undergraduate Business Courses," Journal of Educational Technology Systems, Sage (2019).
  • "Open Educational Resources and Collaborative Technologies for Business Classes," The BRC Academy Journal of Business (2019).
  • "Applying a risk matrix to biologics manufacturing remediation: a teaching exercise," Journal of Business Cases and Applications/Academic and Business Research Institute (2018).
  • "The Case of Prioritizing Remediation of Acquired Plasma Centers For FDA Licensure: A Risk Matrix Approach," Northeastern Association of Business, Economics and Technology (2018).
  • "Teaching Decision Making In Multiple Dimensions," Journal of Educational Technology Systems (2017).
  • "A Multifaceted Approach towards Education in Data Analytics," Recent Advances in Technology Research and Education, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer (2017).
  • "Prioritization of Process Improvement Using Risk Evaluation in the Manufacturing of Biologics," Quality Management Journal (2017).
  • "Drilling the Data: Using Six Sigma DMAIC to Improve Dental Practice Inventory Management," BRC Academy Journal of Business, The (2017).
  • "The Use of QFD to maximize the student advising experience," College Student Journal (2016).
  • "How to Build It So They Come: Using Quality Function Deployment to Design a Student Management Club," The BRC Academy Journal of Education (2016).
  • "Operations Students Use Six Sigma Cycle to Improve Academic Advising," Quality Progress (2016).
  • "Data Analytics for Risk Evaluation in a Biomedical Organization," 18th International Conference on Humans and Computers (2015).
  • "Using Experiential Learning to Improve Disability Services on a College Campus Using Quality Techniques: A Case Study," Journal of Undergraduate Business Research (2015).
  • "Perceptions of the Effects of a Constructivist Classroom Approach on Academic Service-Learning: An Exploratory Study," BRC Academy Journal of Business (2015).
  • "Using Quality Management in Experiential Learning to Facilitate Collegiate Operations Improvement and Foster Student Growth: A Case Study," Quality Approaches in Higher Education (2015).
  • "The Effect of Electronic Writing Tools on Business Writing Proficiency," BRC Journal of Advances in Education (2014).
  • "Romancing the Q: Dancing with the Quality Gorilla," AABB Press (2012).
  • "Employee Engagement Vital to ISO 15189 Success," MLO: Medical Laboratory Observer (2011).
  • "Simple Six Sigma for Blood Banking, Transfusion, and Cellular Therapy," AABB Press (2007).
  • "Introducing the Big Q: A Practical Quality Primer," AABB Press (2004).
  • "Leading for Quality: The Implications of Situational Leadership," American Society for Quality (2001).

Media Contributions

  • "No BS Marketing (MASSolutions (Pittsburgh PA" (2016).


  • "Sustainability Measurement for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)," A Presentation to San Gabriel Valley ASQ Membership (2024).
  • "Development and Application of a Sustainability Evaluation Tool for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)," Western Business & Management Association International Research Conference (2024).
  • "Sustainability in the Supply Chain: What, Why, and How" (2023).
  • "Waterfall v Scrum: Getting It Done," ASQ Cascades Section Meeting (2023).
  • "Of Course I Recycle: The Case of Dormitory Dwellers' Dirty Secret," National Association of Business, Economics, and Technology Annual Meeting (2022).
  • "Reimagining the Introduction to Business Course," National Association of Business, Economics, and Technology Annual Meeting (2022).
  • "Ready or Not, It Will Come: Preparing Accountants for the Next Disruption," National Association of Business, Economics, and Technology (2020).
  • "Technological Enhancements Of The Method Of Loci For Facilitating Logographic Language Learning," Conference on Instruction and Technology (2019).
  • "Using Data Analytics to Increase Academic Success of Business Students," National Association of Business, Economics, and Technology Annual Conference (2019).
  • "Building Statistical Understanding through Progressive Coursework and Project-Based Learning," NABET (2018).
  • "Using Project-Based Learning to Enhance Statistical Understanding for Decision-Making Using Statistical Software Platforms," Conference on Instruction and Technology (2018).
  • "Improving the 1040 Process through the Application of Lean Principles: A Case Study," NABET (2018).
  • "Evaluation of the Readability of Top-Selling Operations Management Textbooks," NABET (2018).
  • "Integrating OER into Undergraduate Business Courses," Conference on Instruction and Technology (2018).
  • "A Supplier Risk Matrix Approach to ISO 9001:2015 Compliance: A Case Study," Business Research Consortium of Western NY (2018).
  • "Technology Support for Collaborative Learning in Operations Management Classes," Business Research Consortium of Western NY (2018).
Lisa Walters

Lisa Walters

Associate Professor (Business Administration)

E350 Thompson Hall
(716) 673-3504
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