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Course Considerations for Live Digital Instruction 

Live Digital Instruction (LDI) courses should be considered when the course modality provides opportunities for students that would either (1) improve the accessibility of the course for the students or (2) provide learning opportunities that would not be possible in person. Consider the following: 

  • Who are the students? How does LDI benefit this population?
    • Is this a population that would benefit from not traveling to campus? Example: non-traditional students who are employed.
    • Is this course paired with another course or courses where students are in the field for clinical experiences or internships, or other courses that are required off campus?
    • Does this student population complete these placements away from the Fredonia community?
    • Is this population primarily non-residential students?
  • Who is the instructor, and does LDI allow an instructor or professional with a desirable/needed specialty to be hired because of the instructor's distance from campus? Does this hiring support and/or improve the curriculum offerings for the students?
  • Does LDI improve course enrollment?
  • Why is LDI selected instead of asynchronous online or in-person?
    • The instructor presence is improved using LDI vs other modalities
    • The instructor is better prepared to teach LDI vs asynchronous online.

Considerations for the Instructor

Teaching in the LDI modality comes with a different set of needs and responsibilities for both the instructor and students. Instructor and student engagement will need to be considered and planned for the modality. When planning to teach LDI consider: 

  • the time zone of the instructor and students
  • technology needs
  • the availability of a laptop/desktop that will allow for Zoom meetings
  • a strong reliable internet connection
  • the instructor's comfort level with FREDLearn, Zoom, and other needed technologies

Preparing to teach in the LDI Modality

If you are interested in teaching a course in the LDI modality reach out to your department chair to discuss the possibility. All course modality decisions are made by the individual department. 

After approval has been given from the department you will need to complete the Live Digital Instruction training course. This is an on-demand course that will have you prepare several items needed in an LDI course. Contact Online Learning at for access to the training and a course shell to build in.

Live Digital Instruction courses will use Zoom and FREDLearn as the digital classroom. Courses will be assigned day(s) and time(s) to meet live, with the "Place" listed as "Live Digital Instruction." A Zoom link for class meetings will be placed in the corresponding FREDLearn Course shell by the instructor. Courses are required to meet via Zoom on the days and times assigned in Banner. 


Online Learning

  • 137 Reed Library State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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