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Students wishing to study abroad have a range of options for funding, from Fredonia scholarships to private scholarships to scholarships administered by the US and international governments.  Please use this website to explore funding opportunities available to students, but know that this is by no means an exhaustive list.  Use the links below to navigate the page:

Fredonia students are encouraged to apply for scholarships through the Office of International Education, regardless of the study abroad program they intend to participate in.  Awards range from $350 - $2,600 and are awarded based on major, financial need, and goals for study abroad. Applications are due:

Summer/Fall/Academic Year: March 15
J-Term/Spring: October 15

Apply to Fredonia Study Abroad Scholarships

Winch Scholarship
Two $300 awards per application cycle.

Established in 1993, the Winch Endowment Fund has been established by a contribution from Ruth Barker Winch in honor of the memory of her parents, Constantine T. and Ina Buell Barker, and her husband, Grover A. Winch. Awarded to students participating in short-term study abroad programs.

Ann James Manly Endowment
Four $2,000 awards per application cycle.

Douglas Manly and the late Ann James Manly have supported Fredonia for many years. Mr. Manly is a former member of the Fredonia College Foundation Board of Directors. The late Ann Manly was a member of the Fredonia College Council. Awarded to students participating in semester or year-long study abroad programs.

Deming Family Scholarship
One $350 award per application cycle.

Every member of the Deming family has been associated with the college at Fredonia and had the opportunity to study abroad. The fund was established to encourage Fredonia students to participate in international programs. Awarded to students participating in study abroad programs.

Graham E. Andrus Memorial Scholarship
Two $500 awards per application cycle.

Graham E. Andrus graduated from Fredonia in May 2010 with a degree in history, focusing on Global Studies.  In the Fall of 2010 he re-entered Fredonia as a second baccalaureate student in International Studies focusing on Developing Nations with a minor in Political Science.  Graham died on August 13, 2011 while working as a camp counselor at Camp Whitman on Seneca Lake.  His goal was to study abroad and experience life in another country. This scholarship is to help students to fulfill Graham’s dream.

James J. Spann, Esq. Study Abroad Scholarship
One $450 award per academic year. 

The James J. Spann Study Abroad Scholarship was to developed to support students who are passionate about studying abroad. Preference will be given to students who plan to study abroad in Asia or Europe.

Dunkirk-Fredonia Rotary Scholarship for Study Abroad
One $500 award per application cycle.

The Dunkirk-Fredonia Rotary Scholarship aims to support students participating in semester-long study abroad programs. Recipients of the award will present their study abroad experience at a rotary club meeting following their return to the US. Applicants should show a strong relationship between their chosen overseas program and future goals and a commitment to sharing their experience when they return to the US.

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program

The Benjamin A. Gilman scholarship program awards students studying abroad for a semester, summer, or academic year.  The program, which awards up to $5,000 to each student, is meant especially for students with limited financial means and aims to diversify study abroad.  To be eligible, students must receive the Federal Pell Grant, be a US citizen, and be accepted to/applying for study in a country that is not on the US State Department Travel Warning List.   Students wishing to study a critical need language can win an additional $3,000 to support language study.

Application Deadlines:
Cycle 1 - early October - for applicants whose programs begin between December 2021 and October 2022, including programs that fall during Winter 2022, Spring, 2022, Summer 2022, Fall 2022, and AY 2021 - 2022.
Cycle 2 - early March - for applicants whose programs begin between May 2022 and April 2023, including programs that fall during Summer 2022, Fall 2022, AY 2022-2023, Winter 2023, and Spring 2023.

Gilman-FLAD Portugal Scholarship

Students eligible for the Gilman scholarship who participate in semester or summer programs at Study in Portugal Network (SiPN). Students are eligible for up to $5,000 to support their program and can win an additional $3,000 if they plan to take Portuguese language. To apply, students will follow regular Gilman application procedures and timelines.

US Department of State's Gilman-McCain Scholarship

The Gilman-McCain Scholarship provides awards of $5,000 to child dependents of active duty service members to support their participation in credit-bearing study abroad or intern abroad programs. The scholarship is open to eligible students enrolled at accredited US colleges and universities who receive any type of Title IV federal financial aid. The award was named in honor of the late senator John S. McCain from Arizona and aims to support the Senator's legacy of public service.

Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (Freeman-ASIA)

Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (Freeman-ASIA) provides scholarships for U.S. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia.  The program’s goal is to increase the number of U.S. citizens and permanent residents with first-hand exposure to and understanding of Asia and its peoples and cultures.

Application Deadlines:
Spring -  Early October
Academic Year/Fall /Summer - Early March 

NSEP David L. Boren Undergraduate Scholarship 

The Boren scholarship program offers scholarships to students interested in international academic areas as well as language study. This program supports study of languages and cultures that may not have been emphasized in the past but are deemed crucial to national security. U.S. citizens that are enrolled in an academic institution at the time of application and are planning on finishing their study abroad before they graduate are eligible.

Application Deadlines:
Early February

Scholarships are administered by foreign governments and outside organizations to help support students who wish to study overseas.  Private scholarships can be for students in specific majors or those wishing to study in certain regions of the world.  Use the resources below to explore private means of funding study abroad scholarships.

Fund for Education Abroad

FEA scholarships give students funding for academic year, semester, or short term study programs.  Applicants from groups underrepresented in study abroad and those destined for non-traditional locations are given preference, in an effort to make the demographics of U.S. undergraduates studying abroad reflect the rich diversity of the U.S. population.  

Application Deadlines
Spring: September 15

Scott's Cheap Flights Study Abroad Scholarship

Scott's Cheap Flights offers students the opportunity to win $1,000 scholarships to support their experiences abroad. To be eligible for the award, students must be a US citizen or permanent resident enrolled in a college or university. In addition to a short essay, students will be asked to send information on their study abroad program. Applications are due in March and October.

Bridging Scholarship

Japan-US Friendship Commission, an independent federal agency promoting mutual understanding between the United States and Japan, in an effort to highlight public/ private partnerships and to promote study abroad in Japan by American undergraduates, initiated the Bridging Project scholarship program and established the US-Japan Bridging Foundation to accept contributions. 

Application Deadlines:
Spring -  Early October
Academic Year/Fall  - Early April

BUTEX Scholarship

BUTEX awards students studying in the United Kingdom at partner institutions £500 for their study period.  Awards are not administered until students arrive at their host university.  To apply, students either design a poster promoting study abroad or write a 250 word essay on "5 Things I Wouldn't Study Abroad Without."  The deadline for the upcoming academic year is usually in mid-June.

DAAD Scholarship

The purpose of the DAAD is to support students wishing to study abroad in Germany.  Students are able to fund study, thesis research, or internships for a 4 - 10 month period.  Students must be at least in their third year of study at their home institution, but do not need to have German language proficiency.  Recipients are awarded a monthly stipend of €650.  The application deadline for the upcoming academic year is January 31.

Are you interested in supporting Fredonia students planning to study abroad? Consider a donation to one of our scholarship funds!


Office of International Education

  • W107 Thompson Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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