Matthew and Cheri Hahn |
Matthew and Cheri Hahn of Severn, Md., have fully endowed a fund in support of the annual Freedonia Marxonia, the Marx Brothers Film Festival and Symposium, to provide paid student internships and help meet the expenses of the annual festival.
After a hiatus of many years, the festival was re-established in 2009 and held again in April. Organizers have decided that a fall celebration will work better with the student activities calendar, so the next event will be held Saturday, Nov. 6, from 2 to 5 p.m., on campus.
Mr. Hahn first attended Freedonia Marxonia in 2009 and his entry for the short film contest won first place. He and his wife, Cheri, enthusiastically volunteered to sponsor an internship to coordinate the next event. What makes The Hahn Family Freedonia Marxonia Fund of the Fredonia College Foundation particularly unique is that Mr. and Mrs. Hahn are friends of SUNY Fredonia but not alumni.
Mr. Hahn earned his B.A. degree in Theatre and Speech from DeSales University, a M.F.A. in Acting/Directing from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and has been interested in the Marx Brothers since childhood. He works for The Ciesla Foundation, a non-profit organization that makes films. Mrs. Hahn received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Virginia and a M.S. in Health and Public Policy from the University of Maryland. She is Assistant Vice President for Quality and Safety at Saint Agnes Hospital in Baltimore, Md.