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Dr. Scott Ferguson, Ph.D.

Ph.D., The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

B.S. in Molecular Biology from Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA, 1994-1998.
Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 1998- 2005.
Postdoctoral Fellow at Princeton University / HHMI, Princeton, NJ, 2005-2009.
Assistant Professor at Fredonia 2009 - 2015
Associate Professor at Fredonia 2015 - present

Office Hours

  • Tuesday: 10:30 - 11:30
  • Wednesday: 10:30 - 12:30
  • Thursday: 10 - 12

Teaching Interests

Genetics lecture and lab (BIOL 237/238)
Molecular Genetics Lab (BIOL 437)
Molecular Biology of Disease (BIOL 480/493/580) - Occasionally offered as a capstone
Advances in Genetic Analysis (BIOL 450/493/550) - Occasionally offered as a capstone

Integrating novel research projects into the labs I teach. I don't believe in canned labs and feel that the student's time and their tuition, is best spent answering real scientific questions.
My classes routinely utilize active learning approaches such as problem solving, peer review of writing assignments, and presentation of research findings. As a means of achieving some of these goals, I have embraced student response technologies (clickers) and flipped classroom approaches.

Research Interests

Drosophila developmental genetics.
RNA biology.
Translational Control.
Cell-cell signaling.
Axis specification.
Genetic screens.

Awards and Honors

  • President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, President, State University of New York at Fredonia (Pres).

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Programs

  • Genetic Analysis of Gurken translational Control in Drosophila, N/A (2017).
Dr. Scott Ferguson

Dr. Scott Ferguson

Associate Professor

223 Science Center
(716) 673-4883
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