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Brown Bag talks are free and open to all campus and community members. Classes are also welcome. Presentations are held in the Williams Center, S204-ABCD, from noon to 1 p.m

This year's series is directed by the Chair of the Planning Committee, Dr. Ivani Vassoler, Political Science and International Studies; Drs. Christopher J. Dahlie, Communication-Audio, Radio, and Sound Design; Courtney Wigdahl-Perry, Biology; and Branden Birmingham, Communication.

The series gratefully acknowledges the support of Dr. Joseph A. Karafa, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and FSA funding for our refreshments.

We also thank the Carnahan-Jackson Humanities Fund of the Fredonia College Foundation for additional financial support.

Oct 2: Multifaced Impacts of Population Changes: Higher Education Enrollment. Guest Speaker: Dr. Kathryn Kendall, SUNY Fredonia Vice President for Enrollment Management. Opening Remarks: Dr. Christopher Dahlie.

Nov 6: The Impact of Armed Conflict on Animal Populations in Iraq. Guest Speaker:  Dr. Ici Vanwesenbeeck, Professor in the English Department at SUNY Fredonia Fredonia. Opening Remarks: Dr. Christopher J Dahlie.

Dec 4: The Current State of Economic Development in Chautauqua County. Guest Speaker:  Mark Geise, CEO, County of Chautauqua Industrial Development. Opening Remarks: Dr. Christopher Dahlie

Mar 5: The Ripple Effect: How Giving and Receiving Support Changes Us. Guest Speaker: Dr. Christopher Puglisi, Professor and Director, SUNY Fredonia Clinical Mental Health Counseling with contributions from Adrian J. Leuthauser and Samicka Mathews - Opening Remarks: Dr. Ivani Vassoler.

Apr 2: Qatar Stars. Guest Speaker: Dr. Danielle Beverly, Northwestern University. Opening Remarks: Professor Roslin Smith.

Oct 4: Introducing SUNY Fredonia’s New Chief of University Police, Gordon Carpenter. Guest Speaker: Gordon T. Carpenter Jr. Opening Remarks: Dr. Jessica Finkeldey.

Nov 1: Gradually, then Suddenly: How techno-optimism took over philanthropy. Guest Speaker: Dr. Amy Schiller. Opening Remarks: Dr. Christopher Dahlie.

Dec 6: Slow, then sudden changes: Understanding the conditions that lead to harmful algal blooms. Guest Speaker: Dr. Allison Hrycik. Opening Remarks: Dr. Courtney Wigdahl-Perry

Mar 6: Suddenly, then Gradually: How Adapting Suddenly to Online Teaching Has Gradually Changed Our Face-to-Face Teaching. Guest Speakers: Dr. Dr. Angela McGowan-Kirsch and Dr. Susan Spangler. Opening Remarks: Christina Hilburger

Apr 3: Challenges of Multilateralism in a Divisive World - The View from Geneva. Guest Speaker: Dr. Joseph Marques. Opening Remarks: Dr. Ivani Vassoler

May 1: The Role of International Radio Broadcasting in Global Communication. Guest Speaker: Dr. Miroslawa Wielopolska-Szymura, Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence and Visiting Professor. Opening Remarks: Dr. Ivani Vassoler


Oct 5 - Your Voice Matters: Reflections From Fredonia Students. Speaker: Dr. Khristian King, SUNY Fredonia Executive Director of Student Engagement. Opening Remarks: Dr. Jack Croxton

Nov 2- Let's talk wrongful convictions with Innocence Project speaker Shabaka Shakur. Speaker: Shabaka Shakur. Opening Remarks: Dr. Jessica Finkeldey. 

Watch the video:…

Dec 7 - The Russo-Ukrainian War: Why it Matters. Speaker: Professor John Staples, Department of History. Opening Remarks: Dr. Branden Birmingham.

Mar 1 - The Chautauqua Institution's Past, Present, and Future. Speakers: Jon Schmitz and Jordan Steves. Opening Remarks: Dr. Christopher Dahlie

Apr 5 - Understanding Today's Changing Climate: Learning from Past Environmental Archives. Speakers: Dr. Courtney Wigdahl-Perry, Biology & Environmental Sciences, and Dr. Matthew Lanning, Geosciences & Environmental Sciences. Opening Remarks: Dr. Christopher Dahlie.

May 3 - The Costs of Space Exploration: Is It Worth It? Speaker: Dr. Michael Dunham, Physics Department. Remarks: Dr. Jack Croxton.


  • Oct 6  Freedom of  Expression, Speaker: Dr. Robert Dahlgren. Opening remarks, Dr. Michael Aiello
  • Nov 3 Higher Education from Students Perspective, Speaker: Olivia Hunt. Opening remarks, Dr. Jessica Finkelday
  • Dec 1 Changing Face of Education, Speaker: Dr. Timothy de Smet, SUNY Binghamton.  Opening remarks, Dr. Courtney Wigdahl-Perry
  • March 2 How Technology Changes Education, Speakers, Lisa Melohusky and Laura Shrader. Opening remarks, Dr. Christopher Dahlie.
  • April 6 Some Aspects in the European Union Higher Education System: Challenges & Achievements Speaker Dr. Lyubov Mincheva with a panel of experts. Opening remarks, Dr. Ivani Vassoler


Liberal Arts & Sciences Brown Bag Lecture Series

  • Chair of LASBBL - Professor, Ivani Vassoler, Politics & International Affairs E390 Thompson Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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