The State University of New York at Fredonia has begun the first phase of a $3.3 million project to upgrade the school’s Ring Road outdoor varsity athletic fields.
The improvements will include a new natural grass playing field for the men’s and women’s soccer teams, an artificial turf field for varsity practices, club teams and intramural competitions, improved bleacher seating for 1,500 spectators, lights for night games and enhanced drainage capabilities.
Plans also call for a new scoreboard, and outdoor storage and concession facilities.
The project has been designed by Clough, Harbour and Associates, LLC, an engineering firm with 25 offices located throughout the U.S. The athletic branch of the corporation, CHA Sports, has worked on such high-profile athletic projects as the Soccer Complex in South Germantown, Md., the Princess Anne Athletic Complex in Virginia Beach, Va. and the Richmond Strikers Soccer Complex in Richmond, Va.
The official groundbreaking for the project is slated for April 3, 2006. Preliminary work, including Schematic Design and Design Development of the new fields, on-site soil tests and approval of the project budget by the SUNY Construction Fund is already complete.
Phase I of the project consists of two separate scopes of work. The first includes the groundwork for the construction of the two new fields, including new sod and drainage capabilities.
The second scope of Phase I is the completion of a stormwater mitigation study and construction in order to meet New York State Department of Environmental Conservation requirements. This scope of work is linked to another ongoing campus project – the new bookstore, dining area and dormitory at Cranston Hall (University Commons).
“Every time a new project is introduced to the campus, ranging from a new parking lot to a new building, you’re adding to the stormwater system,” said Markus Kessler, Director of Facilities Planning at SUNY Fredonia.“As a result, we are obligated to comply with DEC requirements related to stormwater run off generated by various construction projects. We were given a reprieve during the design phase of the University Commons project in order to provide a more comprehensive study for all our stormwater needs. When construction of both soccer fields is complete – because the scope of work includes the installation of storm drainage at both fields and the installation of an irrigation system at the natural turf field, they will be adding to the stormwater system.”
Phase II of the project will consist of the design and construction of the actual stadium and gateway. The fields are expected to be ready in time for the 2006-2007 academic year.
”These will be fields we can be proud of,” said Mr. Kessler. “I think our athletic teams and our students are going to be excited about this.”
In less than a decade, SUNY Fredonia has constructed a natatorium, built a softball stadium, renovated Ludwig Field for the varsity baseball team, installed new dasher boards and rink floor for ice hockey and resurfaced the university’s outdoor track.
These efforts, along with the multimillion-dollar soccer project, offer Mr. Prechtl and his colleagues in the Fredonia State Athletic Department ample evidence of the university’s dedication to intercollegiate sports.
“President Hefner and the administration have been terrific in their work to improve our facilities,” said Mr. Prechtl. “We have been fortunate to have leadership on this campus that appreciates the efforts of our student-athletes and the benefits of a strong athletic program.”