The two-person team of Molly Kassirer and Charlotte Passero won the final Jeopardy grand prize of $100 at the Accounting Society’s annual Accounting Jeopardy Tournament, held Sunday, April 2, in McEwen Hall. Four teams, each assigned a letter – from A to D – competed for prizes.
Each round featured the following categories: accounting terminology, financial statements, acronyms, debits and credits and general information. Team A was comprised of Max Burgio and Joseph Guarino; Team B, Becca Neeland and Elizabeth Golubski; and Team D, Ms. Kassirer and Ms. Passero. Scott Wilson was the sole member of Team C. In the first round, Team A came out victorious over Team B. Team D toppled Team C in their round.
That set the stage for the battle between Teams A and D in double jeopardy that would help determine how much money each team would be able to bet in final jeopardy. At the end of the round, Team A had pocketed a fictitious $600, Team D a hefty $7,600.
The final Jeopardy answer was: “A person that owes money to another party and a person that has lent money or extended credit to another party.” The correct question was, “What is a debtor and creditor.”
Team A bet all $600 but offered an incorrect question, while Team D bet $200 and came out with the correct question. Team D was victorious with a total of $7,800, while their challengers ended with a blank tally. All participants received a special gift for participating.