SUNY Fredonia’s Fall Sweep is poised once again to draw hundreds of students on Sunday, Nov. 6, to rake leaves in residents’ yards in the surrounding area.
All student groups on campus are encouraged to join the 17th edition of the volunteer project, organized by two student groups, the Applied Communication Association (ACA) and the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA).
ACA President Hailey Cole noted, “ACA and PRSSA strives to build better relations with our local community and we feel this annual act of service does just that!”
“ACA and PRSSA strives to build better relations with our local community and we feel this annual act of service does just that!” - ACA President Hailey Cole
Student organizations who wish to participate are asked to email Ms. Cole. Individuals or friend groups may also create their own team.
Opening remarks, refreshments and raffles will begin at 1 p.m. in the Williams Center Multipurpose Room, prior to students going out in the community to rake.
Equipped with about three-dozen tarps and an estimated 125 rakes, the students will be deployed from Temple Street to the Birchwood Street area, and additional streets may be added.