Honors Student of the Month Brynn Backert (left) with Dr. Christina Jarvis.
Honors Student of the Month Brynn Backert (left) with Dr. Christina Jarvis.
Brynn Backert, a junior majoring in Adolescence Education: English, has been selected as the November Honors Student of the Month.
In making the nomination, Professor Christina Jarvis described how Backert, who also has a minor in Psychology, stood out even “in an exceptionally talented Honors course last spring (English 274), and she is currently also excelling in my Contemporary American Literature course (English 338).”
Dr. Jarvis continued, “But what distinguishes Brynn in a program with so many incredibly talented Honors students is her commitment to excellence and personal growth outside of courses. Brynn is an R.A., and she is always doing extra programming (DEI, cultural sensitivity and social justice workshops and presentations) to make herself better intellectually, culturally and emotionally prepared to meet her residents' needs.
“She also is very involved with Sigma Tau Delta (English Honor Society) and other student groups, where she leads and helps organize philanthropic events, such as open mic nights at First Chapter Books (to support Literacy Volunteers) and the recent Walk to End Alzheimer's.”
It's really nerve wracking to do something you've never done before, or to explore an environment that you've never gone to, but I implore students to at least try whatever is on their minds.” - Brynn Backert
In addition to the roles already noted, Backert also works in Reed Library and serves on the executive board of her sorority, Sigma Kappa. She values these opportunities and recognizes how the unconditional support of her sorority sisters and her fellow R.A.s/Eisenhower Hall staff, along with her friends’ and family’s, has inspired her to “shoot for the stars.”
In her words, “Without these people, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”
Backert wants fellow or prospective Honors students to have these experiences as well, but acknowledges that to do so, they will first have to be brave and simply “try anything that sounds interesting.”
“It's really nerve wracking to do something you've never done before, or to explore an environment that you've never gone to, but I implore students to at least try whatever is on their minds. Without trying new things, I would've never joined my beloved sorority, applied to be an R.A., or have the connections I do (professionally and socially)!”
These “connections and support throughout the campus” are Backert’s favorite things about Fredonia. Whether it’s the many “opportunities, support systems and experiences offered in courses and extra activities [through] SUNY Fredonia’s English Department” or the Honors Program’s “vast opportunities offered throughout each and every semester to get connected,” she notes, “how unique that feels to Fredonia, because I usually find myself running into many familiar faces, allowing me to feel connected to a place that I can call a second home.”
While Backert’s activities beyond the classroom earned her this nod for November, it’s worth noting that she is, in Jarvis’s words, also “a natural leader” within the classroom.
She “helps problem-solve both logistic and communication issues as well as tricky content areas” with group presentations and prepares twice as many discussion questions as asked. In American Contemporary Literature, she has “already proven herself a star.”
Backert has also really enjoyed her Honors courses overall. She notes that “one of my favorite Honors courses was Social Justice & The Written Word (ENGL 274). It was a great opportunity to learn about many different histories of several communities, and I really enjoyed the discussion-based structure of the course.” She also really loved flying kites in SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor Michael Jabot's EDU 226: Earth as a System.
Originally from Lancaster, NY, Backert plans to move back to the Buffalo, NY, suburbs, obtain her master’s degree in teaching and eventually work as an English teacher in the Buffalo area. She praises Jarvis for “her dedication to students (like me) at SUNY Fredonia,” noting, “Her constant encouragement along with passion for English inspires me each and every time I walk into a classroom to continue educating and uplifting others.”
Backert also appreciates the Department of English, noting she is “eternally thankful” for the department’s support, saying, “It's because of the many hard-working professors that I want to live up to the experience of giving students the best education I possibly can.”
The Honors Student of the Month Program is a collaboration between Honors Program and Honors House, which is part of the Office of Residence Life. This program is sponsored entirely by the Office of Residence Life.
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