Drs. Eliran Avni and Natasha Farny
Drs. Eliran Avni and Natasha Farny
“Women’s Voices,” a program featuring ground-breaking music for cello and piano written by women, will be performed by The Ekstasis Duo, two members of the Fredonia School of Music, on Friday, Sept. 20, at 8 p.m.
The concert, in Rosch Recital Hall, is free and open to the public.
The Ekstasis Duo is comprised of cellist Natasha Farny, associate professor, and pianist Eliran Avni, assistant professor.
The goal of the program is to introduce music by minority composers who are often overlooked. “We are eager to show people what they have been missing,” Dr. Farny said.
“You have it all here - the Romantic passion of Ethel Smyth, Lera Auerbach's fiery angst, Clara Schumann's intimacy,” Farny explained. “You will hear a heart-breaking lament by Ellen Taaffe Zwilich, elegant Classical style from Louise Farrenc, and a brand new transcription, premiered here in Fredonia, of three hit Nina Simone songs.”
The program includes: “Sonata in B flat Major,” op. 46, by Louise Farrenc; “Three Romances,” op. 22, by Clara Schumann; “24 Preludes,” by Lera Auerbach; “Lament,” by Ellen Taaffe Zwilich; “Sonata in A minor,” op. 5, by Ethel Smyth; and “Hommage à Nina Simone,” arranged by D. Kaufman.