An upbeat or encouraging message may be as close as your next iced white chocolate mocha, thanks to the Kindness Rocks that have been placed outside of Starbucks in University Commons, as well as at other campus locations, through the coffee chain’s Season of Cheer program.
“You are beautiful.” “Keep Going.” “Believe in Yourself.”
These are a sample of the positive messages painted on approximately 100 colorful rocks during the second week of the three-week Season of Cheer program in December. Students and staff were invited to stop by the UC lobby to paint a rock that would be placed around campus this spring.
Hats, mittens, blankets and Ziplock bags were collected and donated to the Partners in Kind Fund in the third week of the program, Toys for the local Toys for Tots program in the first week.
“The rocks are out and we hope the students and staff that designed a rock will search and find theirs,” said FSA Special Programs Manager Katie Thies.