Drs. Catherine Creeley, Lisa Denton
Drs. Catherine Creeley, Lisa Denton
Drs. Catherine Creeley and Lisa Denton, both of the Department of Psychology, have written a paper that has been accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed journal Women’s Reproductive Health.
“Cannabis Use During Pregnancy: A Qualitative Analysis of Online Information Sharing About Safety” examines the advice that pregnant women give one another on internet message boards about the safety of the use of cannabis during pregnancy.
The co-authors of this study are two 2021 graduates of Fredonia’s Psychology program, Cassidy Carter (B.S.) and Ezra Glatt (B.A.), as well as Dr. Michael Scialdone, a clinical associate professor at Mays Business School at Texas A&M University and former assistant professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at SUNY Fredonia.
Previous research collaborations of Creeley and Denton, both associate professors, include an article published in the international, peer-reviewed journal Brain Sciences in 2019. This work, “Use of Prescribed Psychotropics During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review of Pregnancy, Neonatal, and Childhood Outcomes,” was featured in the journal’s Special Issue Collection on Developmental Neuroscience.
They also co-authored a 2018 paper published in the journal Women and Birth, "An Analysis of Online Pregnancy Message Boards: Mother-To-Mother Advice on Medication Use,” with two 2017 Fredonia graduates, Brianna Stavola (B.A., Sociology) and Kara Hall (B.S., Psychology), and Dr. Brad Foltz, from Georgetown University.