Dr. Juan De Urda
Dr. Juan De Urda
Department of World Languages and Cultures Professor Juan De Urda was finalist in a short fiction contest with his short story, "La mano de Braulio" (‘Braulio's hand’).”
Dr. De Urda describes it as a simple story with some magic realism elements about how changes and improvements are often met with distrust. A doctor opens an office in a small village and starts offering out-of-the-box medical solutions that are not appreciated by some.
The contest, XXVII Concurso de Narraciones Breves de IDEAL y El Corte Inglés, was organized by the culture sections of a regional Spanish newspaper, Diario Ideal. The stories were published during the summer, and the winner was announced at the end of November.
All stories by the finalists will be published together in one volume.