A student team making its final pitch at the 2018 Student Business Competition, sponsored by the Fredonia Technology Incubator.
A student team making its final pitch at the 2018 Student Business Competition, sponsored by the Fredonia Technology Incubator.
The Fredonia Technology Incubator will hold its sixth Annual Student Business Competition, providing an opportunity for students at Fredonia to submit a business proposal, present a pitch and compete for admittance into the Incubator and receive other prizes.
“We have exceptional entrepreneurs at SUNY Fredonia and this competition provides students with a direct pathway to forming a startup,” said Chuck Cornell, incubator director. “This program has also been a partnership with the community to promote retention of talented individuals.”
The Fredonia Student Business Competition is a business idea competition that has led to several new business formations. Most student businesses competition winners and runners-up have experienced significant progress after receiving Incubator services.
The application deadline is Friday, Dec. 11. Individual students on student teams can apply online.
Finalists will be provided access to LivePlan software to develop their proposals, mentoring services by the incubator’s Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) and workshops designed to help with business model generation and pitch.
Final presentations in April will feature a panel of independent community judges. The pitches will be based on the Business Model Canvas (BMC) that includes value proposition, customer segments, channels and revenue streams. The competition is designed to help student entrepreneurs present business ideas, develop proposals, receive guidance from experienced business mentors and launch their businesses.
The winner of the competition earns a paid internship as well as an office at the incubator for one year. As a client of the incubator, the winner has access to all services including administrative and business services, mentoring, networking, professional consulting, educational opportunities and access to capital, as well as work ready space.
The incubator, an economic development program of SUNY Fredonia, works with external partners to promote economic growth by supporting entrepreneurship and the development of new, innovative companies into successful business ventures. The incubator provides administrative and business services, mentoring, networking, professional consulting, educational opportunities, access to capital and work ready space.