“Curious and Creative Conversations,” a series that showcases research conducted by faculty, will be held in the Reed Library Garden Area on designated Wednesdays, from 10 to 10:50 a.m., during February, March and April.
The Office of Student Creative Activity and Research (OSCAR) is sponsoring the new series that brings together three faculty members from diverse academic fields to speak at each session.
Faculty will each have 10 minutes to share, in a lightning or brief talk, details about a scholarly, research or creative project they’ve completed. In their final 15 minutes, each presenter will discuss the value of various research and creative activity and consider the ways in which they see their fields intersecting. A question and answer session is included.
The first installment in the four-part series, on Wednesday, Feb. 21, will feature Associate Professor of Geology and Environmental Sciences Thomas Hegna, who will present "Silica and Slime." He will be followed by Assistant Professor of Psychology Elizabeth Mahar, whose topic is “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Two Online Treatments for Women with Sexual Difficulties.” Lecturer of Music Therapy Rebecca Warren will discuss “Ableism in Music Therapy.”
The OSCAR series will provide opportunities to learn about the processes involved in and outcomes resulting from scholarship and creative activity in various fields, and how scholarly and creative work varies from discipline to discipline. Students are encouraged to celebrate the scholarly and creative work of faculty members at SUNY Fredonia, and explore similar opportunities for student research and creativity during their time at Fredonia and in their future professions.
Additional Curious and Creative Conversations talks will be held on March 6 and 20, and April 3. They are free and open to the public, but pre-registration is required.
For more information on the entire Curious and Creative Conversations series and to register, as well as for information on future OSCAR events, click on the OSCAR events link.