Best Value Schools has placed Fredonia among the top 5 in its “Best 15 Accounting Schools in New York in 2021” ranking.
Fredonia was awarded 30 points in a formula based on graduation rates and tuition, just behind Stony Brook University (31), Binghamton University (32) and New Paltz (36) – all SUNY schools. Ranked behind Fredonia were four additional SUNY institutions – University at Buffalo, University at Albany, SUNY Polytechnic Institute and Farmingdale State College.
“I’m proud and pleased to be recognized as the fourth among the top 15 schools,” said Interim Director of the School of Business Linda Hall.
Of the top four schools, Fredonia had the lowest student-to-faculty ratio (14 to 1) and the second lowest annual in-state tuition ($8,717).
In its review, Best Value Schools noted Fredonia’s Accounting program earned accreditation by the Association to Advance College Schools of Business (AACSB) International for its proactive community service and excellent instruction by experienced faculty members. With AACSB accreditation, Fredonia’s School of Business is ranked in the top 5 percent of all programs in the world.
Fredonia offers B.S. degrees in Accounting and Public Accountancy in programs that are rich in experiential learning, with earned micro-credentials and required internships, Dr. Hall said. The Public Accountancy program prepares graduates for CPA certification and licensure.
“Accountants are always in demand, and Fredonia is a great place to start a career in accounting,” Hall said.
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