Faculty Student Association is now accepting Program Account applications for the June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025 program year.
Funding may be available for events or initiatives that benefit the SUNY Fredonia campus community.
Priority is given to those initiatives and events that impact the student experience at Fredonia, as well as enhance the educational mission and goals of the university. More information is available through the Program Account Policy for eligibility specifics and disbursement guidelines.
The application form can be obtained here. The application form can also be obtained on the FSA website. The data input fields are highlighted yellow on the form. To complete the form, click on the yellow fields and enter the required information. Be sure to save the form as an Excel file for your use and save the final version as a PDF.
All applications must be emailed. Any supplemental information must be emailed in PDF format along with the application. Supplemental documents are limited to two per application. The application deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6.
All applicants are required to provide specific information in the Narrative and Budget sections of their application with respect to what event or sub-event will be occurring; i.e. the details from the planning:
• What expenditure will be made and payable to whom;
• For how many, how much, when, etc.;
• For what purpose/service/product/award/etc.
Repeat applicants are urged to review their current-year application and expenditure ledger detail to gather and consider the details that should be included to create a comprehensive application. The goal should be to provide the FSA Board of Director reviewers with a fully presented plan, so they can make the most informed funding decisions.
Please direct program funding questions to Matthew Snyder, at (716) 680-6222.