The Global Banquet Dinner, a fall tradition of International Student Services in the last seven years that raises money to support scholarships for international students, will be held on Thursday, Nov. 17, at 6 p.m. in the Williams Center Horizon Room.
Tickets are $1 for students, $20 for others and can be purchased online.
“This year we are highlighting a Cambodian dish, since we’ve welcomed six new Cambodian students to campus,” said International Student Services Assistant Director Jacob Czelusta. That country has not been represented at SUNY Fredonia in recent memory.
The buffet-style menu, representative of SUNY Fredonia’s international student population, will also feature cuisine of China, India, Japan and Mexico, among other countries.
“I think the event is an opportunity for students to learn more about international students and their culture while enjoying foods from various places,” said Bijen Tandukar, a senior Visual Arts and New Media major, with a concentration in Animation and Illustration, originally from Nepal.
A student performance, basket raffle and the honoring of last year’s scholarship recipients for their commitment to the campus with certificates will also be held.