Homecoming 2020, organized by the Office of Alumni Affairs, will include several virtual programs in lieu of in-person events on Oct. 15 and 16.
“Because we anticipate seeing all of you next fall, Homecoming 2021 is scheduled for Oct. 15 to 17, 2021,” Director of Alumni Affairs Patty Feraldi said, “Please mark your calendars. We hope to have a full cadre of events and programs for you to enjoy.”
For the virtual events this year, on Thursday, Oct. 15, Fredonia Athletics will host a Women’s Basketball Alumni Meet and Greet via Zoom at 7 p.m. For information, please email Sarah Cartmill, head coach. From 8 until 9 p.m., the Department of Psychology will host an Alum E-Mixer, connecting some current psychology faculty and students with alumni. Alumni are asked to share their experiences post-Fredonia, and perhaps consider getting involved with the department in supervising an intern or serving as a mentor. Please register by emailing Dr. Joseph McFall, ’05.
On Friday, Oct. 16, “Network on the Go” will be hosted by the Career Development Office from noon until 3 p.m. (see related story on the News website). The event is intended to connect employers/organizations with Fredonia students seeking full-time internships, and part-time and full-time job opportunities. At 5 p.m., the School of Business will host at BYOB Happy Hour virtually with breakout rooms by class year. School of Business Interim Director Linda (Paulus) Hall, ’84, will host the event. Alumnus William Finn, ’83, who is President of both Hospice of the Western Reserve and Western Reserve Care Solutions in Cleveland, Ohio, and named a recent recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award presented by the Fredonia Alumni Association, will be a featured guest. Registration is required online.
On Friday at 7 p.m., a virtual planetarium show will be hosted by Dr. Michael Dunham from the Department of Physics. Using Zoom screen share capabilities, Dr. Dunham will share a digital projection of the night sky. Similar to the in-person planetarium shows in Jewett Hall that are on hiatus due to the pandemic, the approximately one-hour guided tour of the night sky will include an overview of what's visible in the sky this fall, a look at constellations, and plenty of time for questions and answers. To register, please email Dr. Dunham.
Rockefeller Arts Center is offering artist Teresa Booth Brown's "The Neo-Quietism Project" video online. Ms. Booth Brown is the 2019-2020 recipient of the Marion International Fellowship for the Visual and Performing Arts. Her exhibit may also be viewed in the Cathy and Jesse Marion Art Gallery on Oct. 17 to Nov. 20. Please contact Barbara Racker via email for more information.
Two additional videos are available to anyone interested, including the multimedia presentation created by Max Diamond to celebrate Freedonia Marxonia this year, "Home Again: The Marx Brothers and New York City." The YouTube link for Home Again is on the Freedonia Marxonia website, along with additional information. Freedonia Marxonia is supported by the Hahn Family Freedonia Marxonia Fund of the Fredonia College Foundation. Mr. Diamond's presentation is supported by a grant from the Carnahan Jackson Fund for the Humanities of the Fredonia College Foundation.
The second video online features the Nurturing Innovation fundraising campaign currently being conducted by the Fredonia College Foundation. It is the largest campaign to date for the foundation and is well on its way toward exceeding the $20 million goal to support scholarships, experiential learning for students, innovations in teaching and learning, interactive learning spaces, and other priority needs of the university. Alumni and friends can help Fredonia meet the priority needs of the Nurturing Innovation Campaign by making a gift to the campaign, to help the university continue to provide a unique educational experience for students and assist with supporting programming that is enjoyed by students, alumni, and the local and regional community.
And of course, the bookstore is available online. Happy shopping!