The Life Club welcome mat has been rolled out, ready to greet students.
The Department of Psychology launched the informal social club last fall to give students a place to get to know one another, to talk about and get support in everyday life and to do random acts of kindness to make the campus and the world a better place.
Life Club groups host games, crafts and conversations throughout the semester, usually meeting once or twice each week. Full group activities, such as movie nights, pumpkin painting and game nights, are also on the Life Club agenda.
“This club is an open and welcoming environment where peers can connect and rejuvenate! Students can join at any time,” Hannah Barden
“We are a casual social/peer support group,” said Hannah Barden, one of three group facilitators. “The goal in our weekly meetings is to get to know and be there for one another. We often do fun and relaxing activities, such as coloring pages and board games, during our weekly meetings. We have also held study group days to encourage each other during assignment-heavy weeks,” she added.
“Last year, the groups convened at the end of the year to do a rock painting activity together to spread positive messages to others on campus,” said Department of Psychology Associate Professor and Chair Joe McFall.
Each group meets at a different time and day, depending on group members’ availability. After students participate in Life Club, they become eligible to become a group facilitator the following year.
“This club is an open and welcoming environment where peers can connect and rejuvenate! Students can join at any time,” Ms. Barden added.
Three groups currently gather twice a week at the FREDwell Lounge, Room S221 in the Williams Center, on the following schedule: Tuesday, 5 p.m. and Friday, 1 p.m.; Monday and Wednesday, 5 p.m.; and Tuesday and Thursday, 4:30 p.m.
Students interested in joining Life Club are encouraged to email Amber Meli, Amanda Schafer or Barden.