A project funded through the Fredonia College Foundation speaks to the intersection of science and art.
Dr. Thomas Hegna of the Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences, Associate Professor Peter Tucker of the Department of Visual Arts and New Media, and Derrik Decker of the Liberty Partnerships program received a Costello Interplay Award for the project, “The Art of Natural History.” It involved five students over the past year and has resulted in the creation of over 30 3-D skulls — ranging from extinct to modern animals.
A public exhibit is slated for Saturday, Sept. 28 from 1 to 3 p.m. in Houghton Hall Room 110, during Family and Friends Weekend.
The artwork gives a tactile approach to teaching about evolution and functional morphology.
Students, family and friends are encouraged to attend the event and speak with the students and faculty involved and learn about the science, technology and art involved in the process.