Gathering for a group photo are members of the SUNY Fredonia contingent attending a recent state math professional development conference.
Gathering for a group photo are members of the SUNY Fredonia contingent attending a recent state math professional development conference.
Pre-service math and science education students presented classroom activities they created at the Association of Mathematics Teachers of NYS development conference held in Syracuse, NY, on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10 and 11.
At the conference, students made projects and labs for teachers in the field to take back to their own classrooms as free resources, called “Make It Take It.” Subjects of these projects included: hectic helicopters and accurate aerodynamics; ice cream; density activities; predicting potential prize-winning pumpkins and blindfolded “underwater” graphing.
“This conference is valuable to pre-service teachers studying in either mathematics or science education because it gives them a chance to showcase projects that they have been working on and are proud of, and it gives the students an opportunity to connect with fellow educators that have been teaching for years,” said Sarah McMullen, a graduate assistant in Mathematical Sciences and candidate for an M.S. in in Education, from Hamburg, NY.
For the Make It Take It material click online