Fredonia is working diligently to keep students, faculty, staff, and members of its community safe from COVID-19. These efforts include requiring all persons who use campus facilities to be included in COVID-19 pool testing.
The effort, university administrators noted, presents certain challenges. For example, Fredonia would have to include all members of the community who physically come to Reed Library to pool test, which would be extremely difficult to accomplish.
Due to these circumstances, Reed Library is suspending open hours designated for community patrons effective Monday, Nov. 2. Only SUNY Fredonia students, faculty, or staff will be allowed to use the physical space of Reed Library.
It was a difficult decision to make, university administrators said, given Reed Library’s long history of collaboration with community members, local school districts, and others. It asks the community to please understand that the goal is to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 both on campus and in the Fredonia community. Hence, the university looks forward to opening the physical space of Reed Library to the community in the future when pooled testing of on-site users is no longer necessary.
While the physical space of Reed Library will not be available to the community, its vast resources will still be accessible. Community patrons can still receive research assistance by phone, email, text, or chat, as well as request materials through the Reed-To-Go service. For more information, please visit Reed Library's Community Patron Services page online.