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photo of sculpture on campus
photo of sculpture on campus
  • June 2, 2020
  • Marketing and Communications staff

Looking for a way to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather? 

The Cathy and Jesse Marion Art Gallery invites the campus and community to participate in its Outdoor Sculpture Scavenger Hunt!

Fredonia’s campus is host to 14 centrally located outdoor sculpture installations and gallery coordinators challenge the campus and community to find and identify them all. 

To pick up a map and a clue sheet (don’t forget a pen or pencil!), stop by the Maytum Hall lobby. After completing the scavenger hunt, return the map to the Outdoor Sculpture Scavenger Hunt dropbox to be entered for a prize giveaway. 

Maytum Hall is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Located on Symphony Circle off Central Avenue in Fredonia, Maytum Hall is a tall, semi-circular concrete building across from the iconic clock tower.

Want to print your own map? Downloadable PDFs are also available online on the Marion Art Gallery website and the gallery's Facebook page. 

While you're out there, take a photo and tag @marionartgallery on Facebook or #marionartgallery on Instagram!  

Thank you for your interest and happy hunting!