An engaging, uplifting experience awaits students at the SUNY Fredonia edition of the nationwide Fresh Check Day.
The campus Counseling Center is hosting the mental health promotion, free to all students, on Wednesday, Feb. 26, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the Williams Center Multipurpose Room. It will include peer-centered interactive booths, a festive social atmosphere and exciting giveaways.
Using a peer-to-peer messaging model, Fresh Check Day draws upon student groups and university staff to develop and execute interactive booths that provide mental health and resource information in a fun and exciting way, explained Sonia Ortiz, PAWS (Prevention, Advocacy and Wellness Services) coordinator at the Counseling Center.
Not only will we have interactive booths with fun and informed activities/games, we will have a taco station, DJ and photo booth for additional entertainment.” - Sonia Ortiz
PAWS, located in LoGrasso Hall, seeks to create a safe, healthy, compassionate and enriching environment for all students and members of the campus community.
“We are inviting attendees to stop at each booth and engage with the activity, content and materials. Counseling Center staff will also be present, so this is a great opportunity to get to know our staff and ask questions,” Ms. Ortiz said.
The interactive booths convey a comprehensive approach to preventing suicide that addresses specific mental health issues, high risk populations, stigma reduction and positive coping and life skills. Students from a variety of clubs will staff the booths. Therapy dogs will also join Fresh Check Day.
“Not only will we have interactive booths with fun and informed activities/games, we will have a taco station, DJ and photo booth for additional entertainment,” Ortiz added. Prizes and Fredonia swag will also be given away to everyone visiting an interactive booth.
Creating an approachable and hopeful atmosphere where students are encouraged to engage in a dialogue about mental health and helping to build a bridge between students and mental health resources available on campus, in the community and nation-wide are goals of Fresh Check Day.