Dr. Junaid Zubairi presents a slide during the research seminar he held at Kennesaw State University in Atlanta.
Dr. Junaid Zubairi presents a slide during the research seminar he held at Kennesaw State University in Atlanta.
SUNY Distinguished Professor Junaid Zubairi conducted a research seminar Jan. 29 at Kennesaw State University’s College of Engineering, Atlanta, GA.
The seminar, “Smart City Traffic Incident Management Research at Fredonia,” was devoted to achievements of the smart city research group at SUNY Fredonia. Dr. Zubairi is also chair of the Department of Computer Information Sciences.
Members of the research group include Associate Professor Syed Haider and Assistant Professor Shahin Ataee, both of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences; and Assistant Professor Megan Johnson of the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
The group also includes Professor Sahar Idwan of Hashemite University in Jordan, and Assistant Professor Wael Etaiwi of Princess Sumaya University for Technology, also in Jordan.
Zubairi explained various algorithms and tools developed at SUNY Fredonia that include CONRES for congestion resolution, Hierarchical congestion resolution algorithm, just in time mitigation for emergency vehicle routing, and machine learning for traffic congestion detection and resolution.
Additionally, Zubairi participated in a series of meetings with the KSU faculty and agreed to collaborate on robotics and traffic incident management research with the school’s College of Engineering.