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Faulk to retire, focus on civic engagement

Retiring from SUNY Fredonia after 24 years, former Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Leonard E. Faulk will discuss the importance of student service and...

Musicians over age 50 invited to join New Horizons Band

A new ensemble for community members age 50 or older is seeking new members interested in learning to play an instrument, returning to an instrument...

Fredonia biologists locate e-coli source

In a study undertaken last summer, Biology Professor Ted Lee and graduate student Damian Salerno identified the sources of bacterial contamination in Cassadaga Lake. Dr...

HUD creates center at Fredonia

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of University Partnerships has named SUNY Fredonia as one of 13 new Community Outreach Partnership Centers...

Experiential Training Program created for businesses

The SUNY Fredonia Faculty-Student Association (FSA) has named Ryan Sharp as program coordinator of the new College Lodge Workforce Experiential Training Program at the College...