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students at activities night

‘Life Clubs’ being hosted by psychology students

Students in the Department of Psychology are hosting "Life Clubs," described as small groups of students getting to know each other and supporting one another...

students raking leaves

Fall Sweep cancelled

The Applied Communication Association, a Fredonia student group, has announced the cancellation of the 16th Fall Sweep held in the village.

students look at model of brain

Student honors organization to offer graduate school information

The Psi Chi Honor Society in Psychology will host two virtual events in October, a Psychology Graduate School Fair and an information night on applying...

Lagrimas to co-chair NYSMTA symposium session

School of Music Assistant Professor Leonidas Lagrimas will return as an event co-chair at the New York State Music Teachers Association (NYSMTA) Symposium, which will...

Fredonia graduate Aierkan Salayding (left), with Dr. Ziya Arnavut.

Recent graduate co-authors paper accepted at IEEE annual conference

A paper co-authored by Fredonia graduate Aierkan Salayding, who received a B.S. in Computer Science, with a concentration in Software Development, in December 2019, has...

Emilee Stenson chosen September ‘Student of the Month’

Emilee Stenson, a senior from Attica, has been named Student of the Month for September by the Office of Residence Life. Ms. Stenson was nominated...

runner Matthew Erma

Senior Spotlight: Matthew Erman

The State University of New York Athletic Conference (SUNYAC) weekly Men's Cross Country Senior Spotlight is on Fredonia's Matthew Erman.

students participating in pool testing

Encouraging results of the most recent round of pool testing with zero positive cases

Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services Cedric Howard has reported encouraging results from the Oct. 2 pool testing of SUNY Fredonia students for COVID-19.

poster for event

Iovannone to conduct virtual walking tour of WNY LGBTQ historic sites

A virtual walking tour of historic sites significant to Western New York’s LGBTQ community will be led by Coordinator of Women’s and Gender Studies Jeffry...

poster for art raffle

Honduras Medical Brigades art raffle slated for Nov. 12; tickets available now

For the past two years, a SUNY Fredonia group has traveled to Honduras to conduct medical brigades, and is holding its annual art raffle in...