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poster for competition

Student photo competition set for Dos Mundos: (Re)constructing Narratives gallery exhibition

The Cathy and Jesse Marion Art Gallery is seeking entries from Fredonia students for a photo competition to be held in conjunction with the En...

Jessica Schimek, with completed bee blocks, squirrel nests and bat houses

Fredonia students, faculty build habitats for at-risk species

Threatened and endangered species in Western New York are getting a much-needed lift, thanks to faculty and students and a fund established by a Fredonia...

Frerichs joins mixed media artwork exhibition in Iowa

Department of Visual Arts and New Media Professor Timothy Frerichs is participating in “Lines & Layers,” a three-person exhibition presenting a wide spectrum of mixed...

photo of Timothy Frerichs

Fredonia art professor awarded grant for global warming awareness project

Timothy Frerichs, professor of Art at Fredonia, has received one of three Global Warming Art Project grants that will support projects that respond to the...

Alisia Glasier stands under mural at Dunkirk Specialty Steel

Art students complete project for local business

This past summer, two B.F.A. Painting students were given the opportunity to leave their mark on a local company and employer. Dunkirk Specialty Steel (DSS)...

Dr. Daniel Reiff with his new book.

Reiff co-authors new book

SUNY Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus Daniel D. Reiff, has co-authored a new book which was recently published by The Edwin Mellen Press: “Column Monuments: Commemorative...