Tech Incubator named finalist for INFOTECH'S Beta Awards
The SUNY Fredonia Technology Incubator has been named a finalist for the "Rookie of the Year" BETA Award, given by InfoTech Niagara, the trade association...
The SUNY Fredonia Technology Incubator has been named a finalist for the "Rookie of the Year" BETA Award, given by InfoTech Niagara, the trade association...
Ryan Wolf (right), President of Silicon Wolves Computing Society, explains the extraordinary capacities and potential for his company’s prototype, shown in the lower-right corner, while...
Six free workshops are scheduled this spring to boost the ability of local artists to succeed in selling their work and vitalizing the economy of...
Senior Michael Carbone, co-founder of The Raphy Report, will host a series of free workshops at the SUNY Fredonia Technology Incubator this semester. The first...
SUNY Fredonia’s Technology Incubator is the new home to The Center for Sports Skill Measurement & Improvement, LLC. The Center’s mission is to help athletes...
The Raphy Report, a student-run, multi-topic news show produced by TRR Productions, has recently settled into the SUNY Fredonia Technology Incubator. TRR Productions is the...
The partnership, known as C-PACE for Chautauqua Partnership for the Arts and a Creative Economy, will be an art-based business incubator that will provide services...
SellingHive is growing and expanding its operations in Dunkirk as the company prepares for the launch of its new social networking software this summer. Last...
SellingHive recently awarded three SUNY Fredonia student interns the “Intern of the Year” Award. Kaitlin Dafgard, Paul Jackino and Thomas Storm were selected out of...
Robert Fritzinger, director of SUNY Fredonia’s Technology Incubator, was elected to a one-year term on the board of directors of the Business Incubator Association of...