Two Geology professors with over 60 years of combined teaching experience at Fredonia will deliver separate lectures in the spring semester’s last two Sigma Xi weekly programs held in the Major Alice Sam Conference Room, third floor of the Science Center.
Dr. Gordon Baird, of the Department of Geology and Environmental Science, will present "Hangenberg Eco -Crisis Events and Mega-Collection Curation Project" on Friday, April 28, at noon. Dr. Baird began teaching at Fredonia in 1982.
Professor Emeritus John “Jack” Berkley will deliver “UFOs: The Day My Disbelief Stood Still" at the final Sigma Xi program on Friday, May 5, at noon. Dr. Berkley retired in 2010 after a 28-year career at Fredonia.
The weekly lecture series, hosted by the international scientific research honor society, is free and open to the public.