Mike Birbiglia, whose one-man show "My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend" was hailed as "ridiculously enjoyable" by The New York Times, will deliver his unique blend of comedy that straddles standup and theater at King Concert Hall on Feb. 13, 8 p.m. Tickets to the show, sponsored by Spectrum Entertainment Board, are $12 for general admission, $8 for those with SUNY Fredonia identification.
In the last dozen years, Birbiglia, who’s also a writer and actor, has honed his own unique story-telling style in the world of standup comedy that has earned him accolades from Time magazine, which called him a “master of the personal, embarrassing tale,” and the New York Times, who heralded him “a supremely enjoyable monologuist.” Birbiglia shows have been described as “both laugh-out loud funny and earnestly reflective” by The Associated Press.
“My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend,” which was named a critic’s pick by New York Magazine, Time Out New York and The New York Times during 2011, and another one-man show, “Sleepwalk With Me,” 2009, both ran Off-Broadway.
Birbiglia has appeared on more than 40 television talk shows, including Letterman, Kimmel, Carson Daly, Conan, Craig Ferguson and Jimmy Fallon, and has three Comedy Central specials, including “What I Should Have Said Was Nothing.” He has released three albums, including “My Secret Public Journal Live,” which was named one of “The Best Comedy Albums of the Decade” by both The Onion and USA Today. He also starred in and directed a feature film adaption of “Sleepwalk With Me.”