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  • October 28, 2013
  • Christine Davis Mantai

“Digital Futures: Technology’s Promise and Perils” will be the focus of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Brown Bag Lecture Series on Wednesday, Nov. 6, at noon at G103 Williams Center. Presentations will be made by five SUNY Fredonia faculty and staff members.

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Terry Brown will address what the digital humanities mean for and say about the current transformation of teaching, learning and research in higher education. She will also speak about how the values of the digital humanities (openness, collaboration and partnership) might guide one’s work through this transformation.

Professor of History Ellen Litwicki will discuss what the digital humanities are and share some examples.

Nancy Hagedorn, associate history professor and facilitator of the digital humanities renga -- a group of faculty and staff formed by the Professional Development Center to explore various aspects and implications of digital humanities -- will discuss one component of her current project. “On the Waterfrontier: The Philadelphia Waterfront as a Zone of Cultural Interaction, 1700-1830” combines historical research with arcGIS techniques in analyzing the Philadelphia waterfront on the eve of the American revolution.

Kerrie Wilkes, coordinator of Research Services and Campus Partnerships, and Lisa Melohusky, Online Learning director, will address the significance of access in digital environments. Their remarks will feature some digital humanities projects and partnerships currently underway both on campus and in the region, as well as the need for faculty to coordinate classroom and research projects with the library and online learning services.

Serving as panel moderator will be Dr. Adrienne McCormick, interim assistant provost for Special Initiatives. Wednesday’s program is the second of three fall semester Brown Bag talks that are supported by the Carnahan-Jackson Humanities Fund.

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