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  • September 10, 2013
  • Lisa Eikenburg

Assistant Professor Jill Reese of the School of Music reports that her research study, “Adult Identification of Music Behaviors Demonstrated by Young Children,” was accepted for publication in the Bulletin for the Council of Research in Music Education. In the study, she investigated how adults’ identification of music behaviors demonstrated by infants is affected by the adults’ specialized expertise (degree in music, early childhood music pedagogical certification, or degree in child development), parental status, and the type of behavior demonstrated by the infants.

Her co-authored research study, “Becoming Music Teacher Educators,was accepted for publication in the International Journal of Music Education. In the heuristic study, she and her co-researchers explored their experiences interacting in a virtual professional development community of early career music teacher educators.

Dr. Reese's most recent study, “Online Status: Virtual Field Experiences and Mentoring During an Elementary General Music Methods Course,” was accepted for publication in the Journal of Music Teacher Education. In the study, she investigated the use of virtual conferencing technology to facilitate mentoring experiences between pre-service music teachers enrolled in a teaching methods course and experienced music teachers in the context of co-observations and post-observation conferences.


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