Two students conducted data analysis internships during the fall semester with the National Postdoctoral Association and contributed to “Supporting the Needs of Postdocs,” the organization’s 2017 institutional policy report that was published as a supplement to “American Scientist,” a magazine of the scientific research honor society Sigma Xi.
Michael McTighe, a senior Psychology major from Wappinger Falls, N.Y., was recognized as the second author of the report – an impressive achievement – and was also a contributor. April Lorenzi, a senior majoring in Psychology, and Theatre and Dance, with minors in Public Health, Sociology and Interdisciplinary Studies, from Massapequa, N.Y., also contributed to the report.
Remaining authors included a staff member of the National Postdoctoral Association, who was charged with overseeing the project, and two doctoral-level researchers.
The report summarizes results of a 2016 survey of 130 institutions that hire postdocs and hold NPA memberships. Increasing staff and budgets, providing higher compensation and equality in benefits and improving family/parental benefits were among its recommendations. The report, which appeared in the magazine’s January/February issue, can be accessed online.